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  • Hoekstra Introduces the State Temporary Economic Priority Act
    Jan 29, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has reintroduced legislation (H.R. 737) that would provide all states with the flexibility to direct specific transportation, education and workforce improvement federal grants to their most important priorities when the United States experiences two quarters of e... More
  • Hoekstra Votes against $825 Billion Washington Spending Spree
    Jan 28, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today voted against an $825 billion Washington spending bill that included none of the four amendments that he offered to immediately stimulate the economy. “$825 billion amounts to nearly as much as the annual discretionary budget for the entire federal gover... More
  • Hoekstra Offers Amendments to Economic Stimulus Bill
    Jan 27, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has offered four amendments to the economic stimulus bill currently under consideration in the House. “Congress needs to draft measures that will actually generate economic activity as opposed to further throwing American taxpayer money at problems,” Hoekstra ... More
  • Hoekstra Responds to President’s Order to Review Auto Emissions in California
    Jan 26, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today responded to President Barack Obama ordering the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to review whether California and 14 other states can implement their own tailpipe emissions regulations. “Allowing California to implement its own tailpipe emissions s... More
  • Baldwin Receives $78,782 Federal Grant for New Skateboard Park
    Jan 23, 2009  - The village of Baldwin in Lake County has received a $78,782 grant from the National Park Service for the construction of new skateboard park at Gallup Park. The total project cost is $157,564. “The new skateboard park will add a new and unique dynamic to the Baldwin community,” said U.S. Rep. P... More
  • Hoekstra Responds to President Obama’s Overturning U.S. ‘Mexico City Policy’
    Jan 23, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today responded to President Barack Obama’s executive order that overturns restrictions on providing taxpayers dollars to organizations in other countries that provide or promote abortions as a means of family planning. It is often referred to as the Mexico City P... More
  • Hoekstra Statement on Guantanamo Executive Order
    Jan 22, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, today issued the following statement after President Barack Obama signed an Executive Order on Guantanamo Bay: “This is an executive order that places hope ahead of reality—it sets an objective without a pl... More
  • Hoekstra Welcomes Hope College Graduate to Washington for the Spring Semester
    Jan 22, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, welcomes Hope College graduate Joseph Seymour of Holland to his Washington, D.C. office for a spring 2009 spring semester internship. “I appreciate Joseph working with my staff in Washington during the 2009 spring semester,” Hoekstra said. “It is an opportunit... More
  • Hoekstra: Senate should Seriously Review Geithner Nomination
    Jan 21, 2009  - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, today said that the Senate should seriously review Timothy Geithner’s nomination for Secretary of the Treasury based upon his knowing failure to pay his Social Security and Medicare taxes in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. “Mr. Geithner’s activity with respect to f... More
  • Michigan Unemployment Rate Hits 10.6 Percent
    Jan 21, 2009  - The Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (MDELG) today announced that Michigan’s unemployment rate increased to 10.6 percent in December, up from 9.6 percent in November. “Michigan’s latest unemployment numbers are discouraging news, but we need to continue to press hard in... More