Tom Carper | United States Senator for Delaware E-mail Senator Carper

Press Releases

YEAR: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
01/29/2009Sen. Carper Votes For Health Insurance For Low-Income Children
01/28/2009The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the U.S. Postal Service
01/27/2009Sen. Carper Casts Finance Committee Vote for Economic Recovery Bill to Create Jobs, Cut Taxes
01/22/2009Sen. Carper Votes In Committee To Confirm New Treasury Secretary
01/22/2009Sen. Carper: Study Reinforces Health Advantages Of Clean Air
01/15/2009Sen. Carper Votes To Approve Additional Economic Recovery Funds
01/13/2009Carper Named to Three Major Senate Committees
01/12/2009Delaware Students Selected For United States Senate Youth Program
01/09/2009Senator Tom Carper Responds to Newest Waste Leak at TVA