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In America, we are fortunate to enjoy an economy that is bolstered by an active workforce and abundant resources. As a Member of Congress, I have many opportunities to make decisions regarding the economy. I will work to ensure America is the leader in the global economy and that Americans have access to well paying careers in the future.

Government must take steps to ensure continued growth by enacting trade policies that ensure a level playing field, reduce burdensome governmental regulations and reduce high taxes that make it difficult for American firms to compete.

The U.S. tax code must be simplified and current tax cuts made permanent so that more dollars can be spent on lowering costs, increasing wages or funding new private investment. The federal government must revamp antiquated and complex U.S. labor laws to match today's working conditions and reduce the costs businesses face through measures such as Health Savings Accounts, Association Health Plans and reform of lawsuit abuse.

Congress has taken significant steps to reduce and eliminate some of the most burdensome taxes imposed upon the American people. I am proud to have supported the significant tax legislation Congress has passed each year and happy that Congress has made progress in extending and making permanent important tax reductions that would otherwise expire before 2010.

In the dynamic U.S. economy, American firms fight every day to remain competitive. Government must recognize this new reality and create an environment in which they have the tools to compete successfully. Our work is not complete until every American has found a career to support their families.

National Association of Manufacturers' study on U.S. regulations
Manufacturing in America; A Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Challenges to American Manufacturing (pdf)

Related Documents:

Press Release - Hoekstra Introduces the State Temporary Economic Priority Act 1.29.2009

Press Release - Hoekstra Votes against $825 Billion Washington Spending Spree 1.28.2009

Press Release - Hoekstra Offers Amendments to Economic Stimulus Bill 1.27.2009

Press Release - Michigan Unemployment Rate Hits 10.6 Percent 1.21.2009

Press Release - Auto Bailout Includes no New Taxpayer Funds, Long-Term Restructuring 12.10.2008

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