Congressman Ken Calvert
California's 44th District
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Home > Student Center > Internship Opportunities
Congressman Calvert offers unpaid internships to qualified college students and recent graduates.  Space in the office is limited to only one or two interns per semester and summer, which makes the application process highly competitive.  Applications are accepted year-round; however interested persons should apply as early as possible.
Capitol Hill is a great way to see how Congress operates first-hand.  An internship in a Congressional office provides an exciting educational experience. Congressional offices are small and the staff is busy with constantly changing issues. An intern provides basic assistance to the staff by opening and directing mail, answering and directing telephone inquiries and running errands. Interns are also encouraged to participate in the legislative process by attending Congressional Research Service classes and legislative briefings, doing research, and assisting with constituent service. Work assignments are limited only by the intern's energy and willingness to devote time to learning.
To apply for an internship, applicants must submit a resume and cover to the Intern Coordinator of the office where you wish to be placed.  All materials should be mailed or faxed to either Alicia Herrmann in Washington, D.C. or Mike Gonzales in Riverside, CA.  We also welcome a brief writing sample as well as letters of recommendatin.  Thank you, and best of luck!
Alicia Herrmann
Office of Congressman Ken Calvert
2201 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: 202.225.1986
Fax: 202.225.2004
Mike Gonzales
Office of Congressman Ken Calvert
3400 Central Avenue, Suite 200
Riverside, CA 92506
Phone: 951.784.4300
Fax: 951.784.5255