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@technoweenie dude ur breaking rules #1 and 2. oh wait, so am i.
@al3x and so what's left as things that -not- just anybody can start?
@dinsley the only thing on ebay that's protected is ebay's profits
what kind of song does the songbird sing?
dear at&t: i'd pay my bill on time if your paperless billing actually sent me email notices. or you worked with my bank's billpay.
OH: are you building software or a branding experience?
@defunkt i do the same, but then i am getting old. otoh, it helps me find bugs in our designers layouts that "no one would ever see anyway"
@rcoder you're supposed to pay *extra* for that. you are a "pro", right?
@gilesgoatboy doesn't "circle jerk" belong in there somewhere?
normally i like having distractions i have to ignore, but the stupid-funny videos in the office just aren't doing it for me
I think I'm finally beginning to understand the appeal of having a therapist.
@KirinDave that is awesome: "Stewart: What age did you choose not to be gay?"
@harrisj mine licks my nose and bites my toes and i still don't get up
ok, figured out my firefox issues, i hope: a site i kinda need to leave open seems to have a memory leak in its javascript.
@demonbane no, but i did try disabling all 3 of my extensions; no luck
@chrisgriffin yeah i dunno what's up, it idles using 30% cpu and beachballs regularly for 15 seconds regularly, even with only four tabs
dear firefox: as much as i want to like you, you're too slow and crashy for me. Maybe we can still be friends?
@allisbe wrt theatrics, that was entirely improv; alex mentioned tom waits and i thought it'd be funny to do a waits-style version of creep


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