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News Release — Byron Dorgan, Senator for North Dakota


'Crew North Dakota' says Navy should name a new ship after the state

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

CONTACT: Justin Kitsch
or  Brenden Timpe
PHONE: 202-224-2551

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) --- Members of the USS North Dakota Committee met with the Secretary of the Navy at the Pentagon today to make the case for naming a new vessel after their home state.

Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad, Congressman Earl Pomeroy and Governor John Hoeven led a delegation in a meeting with Navy Secretary Donald Winter at the Pentagon. The group outlined the activities that have attracted the support of the public as part of the “Float the Boat” campaign. They said that after so many decades, the time is right for the Navy to name a new ship after North Dakota.

Senator Dorgan invited Senator Conrad, Congressman Pomeroy, Governor Hoeven, and a group of prominent North Dakotans earlier this year to take part in the effort to convince the Navy Secretary to designate a new USS North Dakota. The result was the formation of the USS North Dakota Committee. Dorgan asked former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, a native of Scranton, N.D., to act as honorary chair of the committee.

“I think this was a productive meeting. Secretary Winter was interested in our presentation, and we made a strong case for a new USS North Dakota,” Senator Dorgan said. “North Dakota may be landlocked, but our state has contributed a great deal to the U.S. Navy. It has been far too long since a ship bearing our state’s name sailed in our nation’s fleet. A USS North Dakota would be a fitting honor for our veterans. And as a state that enjoys close ties and strong support for our military, I believe this relationship would benefit the Navy as well.”

“In naming this ship the USS North Dakota, the Navy would be recognizing the character, hard work, and patriotism of the people of our great state. It is also a special tribute to those North Dakotans that have served in uniform. It is a tribute they have earned and it is an honor they deserve,” said Senator Conrad who founded the USS North Dakota Coalition in 2002.

“North Dakota has a proud military tradition of sending the best and brightest to serve in the armed forces and supporting them whole heartedly back here at home. Having a naval vessel bear North Dakota’s name will serve as a fitting tribute to all North Dakotans who serve our country,” Congressman Pomeroy said. “I commend Senator Dorgan for leading the charge to again sail the USS North Dakota on the high seas.”

“There hasn’t been a ship named after the State of North Dakota in 85 years,” Hoeven said. “The time is right to honor our veterans, our men and women in uniform and our state with an enduring legacy that will proudly carry the name of North Dakota around the world.”

The first and only USS North Dakota was decommissioned in 1923. Despite the state’s significant contributions to the U.S. Navy, as well as the other branches of the U.S. military, North Dakota is one of only five states that have not had more than one ship named for it.