Congressman Ken Calvert
California's 44th District
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Legislative Reviews


In an effort to improve communications from Washington, D.C. to the residents, businesses and organizations in the 44th Congressional District of California, Congressman Calvert is sending out a weekly legislative report via email describing his activities and recent legislative action from Capitol Hill.   


Every day that passes is a day closer to freedom for the Iraqi people.  Our troops have performed with precision and professionalism and continue to prove that the U.S. military is the best in the world.  However, we have not been alone in this fight and we are extremely grateful to the other members of the Coalition, especially Britain and Australia, who have joined us to ensure a safer, more stable world.  

As the battle continues in Iraq, our thoughts and prayers go to our soldiers and their families.  Many constituents have asked how they can help without overloading the system with packages for your troops.  If you would like to donate a care package, please visit the USO website at 


Congressman Ken Calvert, in place of the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, introduced “Crank: Made in America” – an HBO documentary about the damaging affects of methamphetamine use.  The documentary is set to debut on HBO in April.  Congressman Calvert is on the Speaker’s Task Force for a Drug-Free America and is the Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine.  A partial excerpt of his comments follows:

 I am pleased to be here on behalf of the Speaker’s Task Force for a Drug-Free America.  I know that the Speaker wanted to be here to introduce this startling and painfully honest documentary and he sends his thanks to all those who have worked on this project to bring the problem of methamphetamine to light. 

As a Co-Chair of the Congressional Caucus to Fight and Control Methamphetamine, I have learned, along with the other Co-Chairs Boswell, Cannon and Larson, how this drug permeates every aspect of society; from families and children exposed to the drug, to the toxic by-products from production that harms the environment. 

Unfortunately, the production, distribution and use of the drug are on the rise and, as you will see, from the first use of the drug, it devastatingly alters the course of human life and those around them.   

In order to fight meth we need to educate people, especially our children, about the irreversible effects this drug has.  This video does exactly that, in the plainest and most truthful way possible: from the people who are addicted. 

We also need to support law enforcement with the proper resources so they can continue to crack down on homemade labs and individuals who deal drugs.  I can tell you that Congress is dedicated and prepared to do what is necessary to win the war on drugs. 

Once again, thank you HBO for your part in this fight and to all of you here who are committed to a Drug-Free America.” 


Congressman Ken Calvert, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Water and Power, successfully completed a markup on the following bills last week: 

Ø      H.R. 901: To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct a bridge on Federal land west and adjacent to Folsom Dam in California, and for other purposes. 

Ø      H.R. 1284: To amend the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 to increase the Federal share of the costs of the San Gabriel Basin demonstration project. 

Ø      H.R. 135: To establish the “Twenty-First Century Water Commission” to study and develop recommendations for comprehensive water strategy to address future water needs.  

Ø      H.R. 495: To approve the settlement of the water rights claim of the Zuni Indian Tribe in Apache County, Arizona, and for other purposes. 

All four bills were passes without amendment and will be sent to the full committee on Resources for consideration. 

“I am pleased that the first markup for the subcommittee in the 108th Congress went smoothly,” stated Rep. Calvert.  “I am optimistic that we will continue to pass quality legislation that will address the needs of water and power throughout the country and I look forward to working with the other members of the subcommittee to improve water and power policy.” 


Congressman Ken Calvert applauded his fellow members of the House Science Committee for passing an amendment to the Energy Bill (H.R. 238) introduced by himself and Congressman Costello that would reform the oversight and regulation of worker and nuclear safety at the Department of Energy’s civilian labs. 

“It is vital that the Department change the way they manage lab conditions in environment, safety and health,” testified Rep. Calvert in the Science Committee markup.  “The Department should embrace best management practices in this area, modeled on both corporate efforts and those followed by California’s Jet Propulsion Lab, which the GAO points to as a model for how a Federal facility can be managed safely and smartly.” 

The amendment terminates the Department of Energy’s authority to regulate itself with regard to nuclear and worker safety at the Department’s non-military energy laboratories.  The amendment also transfers regulatory authority to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.  The amendment would also prevent the delegation of that authority to the States.  In addition, the amendment would shield contractor operators from bearing the costs of decommissioning a facility and directs DOE to establish decommissioning procedures for its nonmilitary energy labs.  The Department of Energy is the only federal agency that self-regulates its worker and nuclear safety.  

"This issue has been studied extensively for over a decade by congressional committees, the Inspector General at the Department of Energy and the Government Accounting Office," said Costello, who introduced legislation to make this change during the 107th Congress.  "The record clearly shows that external regulation is needed and will make the labs safer while improving their work environment and performance and saving taxpayers’ money.  Lab managers have strongly endorsed this action." 

“This reform is long overdue and I would like to thank Representative Costello’s unrelenting work to get this amendment passed,” stated Rep. Calvert.  “The workers in the civilian labs of the DOE deserve the highest quality work environment possible and their safety and health is a priority.  By passing this amendment, not only do those workers receive the proper safety oversight but we save taxpayer dollars in the process.” 

This review is for information purposes only.  Please direct responses or questions through Congressman Calvert’s website at 

If you have any administrative questions regarding this review or would like to be removed from this list please contact Congressman Calvert’s Communications Director, Rebecca Rudman, at or at (202) 225-1986.  

If this email has been forwarded to you and you would like to receive the review directly every week please notify Rebecca Rudman at

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