Congressman Ken Calvert
California's 44th District
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Teachers’ Page

The Department of Education
The Department of Education devotes a whole section specifically for Teachers’ Resources.  This link provides a one-stop shop for lesson plans, resources from Federal agencies and publications on effective practices.

The Educators Reference Desk
Educational Resources Information Center brings you the resources you have come to depend on with over 2,000+ lesson plans, 3,000+ links to online education information, and 200+ question archive responses.

Center for Civic Education
The Center for Civic Education works to strengthen our students’ knowledge about democracy and how they can actively increase their role in the political sphere through certain civic responsibilities such as voting.  There are lesson plans for Elementary, Middle and High School grades.

CNN Student News
News for students, resources for teachers provided by the Cable News Network

C-SPAN in the Classroom
”Teaching public affairs with primary resources.”  Find free resources to use with C-SPAN programming including teacher guides, activities and success stories collected from teachers nationwide. 

Unit and lesson plans prepared by teachers using CongressLink resources and features
Find original U.S. History/Government lesson plans all written by teachers for teachers for all grade ranges.

Explore DC
Lessons on local history, federal city, African American heritage, U.S. presidents and first ladies, biography and U.S. history. - Government
A complete list of lesson plans by subject from this extensive educator resource portal

Committee on Education and Workforce (House of Representatives

Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (U.S. Senate)