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Majority Spotlights

» House Democrats are Forging a New Direction in Iraq, March 12, 2007
House Democrats unveil the US Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act.
» Democrats are Conducting Oversight, Bringing Change to Washington, March 07, 2007
Democrats are committed to conducting vigorous oversight.
» Leading Democrats Propose PROGRESS Act for Energy Independence, March 02, 2007
Democrats Fight to Make America Energy Independent
» Democrats Work to Strengthen Middle Class, February 28, 2007
The Employee Free Choice Act will be on the House Floor this week.
» House Passes Iraq Resolution, February 21, 2007
Democrats on Iraq
» Democrats Respond to DOD Inspector General Iraq Report, February 12, 2007
Democrats on Iraq
» Democrats Respond to President's Budget Proposal, February 06, 2007
Response to President's FY08 Budget.
» Democrats Prepare for President's Budget Proposal, January 29, 2007
Information on President Bush's proposed FY08 budget.
» Democrats Call for New Way Forward in Iraq, January 26, 2007
...statement on Iraq.
» Democrats Call for Clean Minimum Wage Increase, January 24, 2007
Minimum wage
» Democrats Respond to Bush's State of the Union Address, January 23, 2007
videos and releases...
» Democrats Preview State of the Union Address, January 22, 2007
Comments before State of the Union Address.
» Democrats Celebrate Successful Achievement of 100 Hours Agenda, January 19, 2007
Democrats pass all components of 100 Hours Agenda
» Democrats Promote Energy Independence, January 18, 2007
Democrats Continue with first 100 Hours Legislation
» Democrats Allow for Negotiation for Lower Prescription Drug Prices, January 12, 2007
Democrats Continue with first 100 Hours Legislation
» Democrats Expand Stem Cell Research, January 11, 2007
Democrats Move Forward with First 100 Hours
» Democrats Pass Minimum Wage Increase, January 10, 2007
Democrats introduce legislation to increase the minimum wage
» Democrats Pass 9/11 Commission Recommendations, January 09, 2007
Democrats Implement 9/11 Commission Recommendations
» Democrats Unveil New Rules to Bring Integrity, Civility and Fiscal Responsibility Back to House, January 04, 2007
Democrats Open the 110th Congress in the Majority
» Democrats Ready for Vote on Minimum Wage, January 03, 2007
Democrats Keep Fighting for a Fair Minimum Wage Increase
» Hoyer: Baker-Hamilton Panel Agrees That Major Change in Course in Iraq Is Imperative, December 06, 2006
"Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle deeply appreciate the hard work and commitment of this distinguished, bipartisan Iraq Study Group. None of us should be mistaken about the panel's overriding message to the President and the American people today: It is absolutely imperative that our nation undertake a major course correction in Iraq without delay...
» Steny Hoyer Elected House Majority Leader, November 16, 2006
Hoyer Elected House Majority Leader
» Hoyer: Republicans’ Desperate Rhetoric Cannot Obscure Their Record of Failure, October 31, 2006
The Republican Party does not have a record to run on, so it can only attempt to distract, distort and deceive. The American people are not going to fall for those tactics..
» Hoyer Says Iraq Announcement “Driven by Political Calendar and GOP Desperation”, October 24, 2006
For more than a year, Democrats have urged the Bush Administration to establish concrete benchmarks for success in Iraq and insisted that 2006 be a year of transition, where Iraqis assume responsibility for establishing security and stability in their nation...
» United House and Senate Democratic Leaders Call On the President to Urgently Change Course in Iraq, October 20, 2006
With nearly 200 Americans troops killed in the last ninety days, including 70 troops killed in the first two weeks of October, House and Senate Democratic leaders wrote to President Bush to call for a change of course in Iraq...


Displaying Majority Spotlights 1 to 25 of 259
» 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-75 | 76-100 | 101-125 | 126-150 | 151-175 | 176-200 | 201-225 | 226-250 | 251-259

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