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Contact: Dave Yonkman 202-225-4401

Hoekstra Offers Amendments to Economic Stimulus Bill
Hoekstra Says Economy Needs Real Solutions, not Taxpayer Giveaways


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Washington, Jan 27 - U.S. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has offered four amendments to the economic stimulus bill currently under consideration in the House.

“Congress needs to draft measures that will actually generate economic activity as opposed to further throwing American taxpayer money at problems,” Hoekstra said. “The amendments that I have offered will help to create jobs in the short and long term through government reforms without asking future generations to pay the tab.”

Hoekstra introduced an amendment that would enable states to reprioritize certain federal transportation, education and job training funds for 36 months to allow states to focus on their priorities, as well as an amendment that would suspend the preferential status provided to Federal Prison Industries with federal government contracting opportunities.

Additionally, he introduced an amendment that would reduce the depreciation period for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration systems in commercial buildings from the current 39-year period to 20 years. He also offered an amendment that extends for one year the current 180-day limit for a tax deferral on like-kind property exchanges.

“The American economy needs real solutions to recover from the current recession,” Hoekstra said. “The currently drafted document is a massive Washington hand-out that will generate little, if any, economic growth.”

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