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Contact: Charlie Keller 202-225-1002


Corn is Used to Make Ethanol at a Plant in the Midwest - Ginny's Legislation Will Increase Supplies and Lower Fuel Costs

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CRS Report on Ethanol Imports

Washington, D.C., Jun 5, 2008 -

U.S. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) today announced that she has introduced legislation to eliminate the fifty-four cent tariff on imported ethanol.  Eliminating this tariff would incentivize ethanol importing countries like Brazil to increase supplies to the United States to meet growing demand.  H.R. 6183 was introduced June 4, 2008 and has been referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.


“At a time of rising prices in almost every sector of our economy, Congress should take measures to increase the supply of gasoline and lower prices,” said Rep. Brown-Waite.  “Unfortunately the Majority has done nothing to increase supplies through increased exploration or drilling, so I introduced this bill to do something to help my constituents.


“I have supported both drilling in ANWR and the Outer Continental Shelf; however those are long-term solutions to our energy problems and American consumers need help today.  My legislation would increase ethanol shipments to the United States virtually overnight, letting Midwestern farmers use more of their corn stock for cattle feed as well as human consumption.  This would in short order lower food prices, fuel costs, and help stabilize world markets.


“My legislation is also one of the quickest ways to bring relief to Americans saddled with high gas prices, falling home prices, and larger bills at the grocery store,” continued Rep. Brown-Waite.  “By increasing supplies Americans will see a commensurate reduction in the cost of gasoline at the pump.  This will surely help struggling families and seniors and help alleviate the energy crunch hitting every sector of our economy.”

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