Policy Analysis
Legislative Bulletins
RSC staff reviews the text of every piece of legislation that comes before the floor of the House of Representatives, including resolutions and amendments. Following are Legislative Bulletins that RSC staff has prepared analyzing legislation that is pending before or has been considered by the House.

Most Recent Legislative Bulletins

2009 Legislative Bulletins
2008 Legislative Bulletins
2007 Legislative Bulletins

Policy Briefs
The RSC is constantly analyzing current public policy issues from a conservative prospective with an eye on future legislative developments.  The following Policy Briefs have been prepared by the RSC staff to inform and educate our Members and their staffs regarding a wide variety of legislative and policy issues.

2009 Policy Briefs
2008 Policy Briefs
2007 Policy Briefs

Appropriations Policy Briefs
The RSC staff reviews the text of appropriations bills that come before the floor of the House.  The following are appropriations policy briefs that RSC staff has prepared analyzing appropriations bills.

2009 Appropriations Policy Briefs
2008 Appropriations Policy Briefs
2007 Appropriations Policy Briefs

Money Monitor
In keeping with the our ongoing effort to track how Washington spends your money, the RSC staff distributes the Money Monitor every week.  The Money Monitor is the only document that tracks the cost of bills as they pass the House of Representatives.

Money Monitors from the 111th Congress
Money Monitors from the 110th Congress
Money Monitor archive