Accountability Clips
  • The Entitlement Stimulus
    Jan 29, 2009  - The more we dig into the pile of spending and tax favors known as the "stimulus bill," the more amazing discoveries we make. Namely, Democrats have apparently decided that the way to gun the economy is to spend even more on health care. This is notable because if there has been one truly... More
  • Stimulus Has Plum for Lawmaker's Son
    Jan 29, 2009  - A top House Republican is demanding an investigation into whether the more than $2 billion for national parks in the House stimulus package is proper in light of the fact that the chief lobbyist for the National Parks Conservation Association is the son of House Appropriations Committee Chairman... More
  • Skeptics Fear Stimulus "Fixes" Won't Be Temporary
    Jan 29, 2009  - Even before President Obama has signed a package of temporary spending increases and tax cuts into law, some lawmakers and outside budget analysts already are worrying about how to stop them from becoming permanent. Many of the initiatives in the $819 billion stimulus plan approved by the House on... More
  • Six Degrees of Alan Mollohan
    Jan 29, 2009  - On March 22, 2004, Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.) collected just over $300,000 for his re-election campaign, more than half the total that he spent for the two-year election cycle. Of the donations he collected that day, at least $100,000 came from individuals tied to companies that have addresses... More
  • The Grim Tax Reaper
    Jan 22, 2009  - “Death and taxes” are often linked as life's two certainties. Yet, in the United States, there's a third link to this — “Democrats, death and taxes” - one can always count on Democrats to levy or maintain a tax, if it is in their power, even at death's door. According to published reports, the... More
  • Irregular Order
    Jan 12, 2009  - "Bills should generally come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full and fair debate consisting of a full amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives, including a substitute." So promised Nancy Pelosi, now House speaker, before her party regained... More

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