United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
United States Senator John Cornyn, Texas
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Sens. Cornyn, Hutchison: Texas Eligible For $48 Million Through Coastal Impact Assistance Program

18 Texas counties will benefit from federal grants for coastal protection, restoration and conservation

Thursday, January 15, 2009

WASHINGTON—U.S. Sens. John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison today applauded the announcement that the Minerals Management Service (MMS) has approved Texas’ Coastal Impact Assistance Program Plan. By doing so, Texas and 18 Gulf Coast counties are now eligible to submit proposals for more than $48 million in federal grants. These much-needed funds are made available through the Coastal Impact Assistance Program (CIAP) and will be used to restore and protect the shoreline environments of our coastal communities.

“This announcement is welcome news for our Texas coastal counties that can now begin submitting grant applications. I will continue to work with MMS to ensure the agency releases these vital funds in a timely manner. It’s important coastal communities receive the necessary resources for environmental protection, restoration and conservation. Funding for many of these vital projects will also help strengthen Texas’ coastline against future natural disasters like hurricanes.” Sen. Cornyn said.

“I am proud to have played a key role in drafting the Coastal Impact Assistance Program which was included in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. With this announcement by the Department of Interior, Texas is one step closer to ensuring coastal counties receive the environmental benefits of this program. These funds will help Texas coastal communities protect and restore coastal and wetland areas while also mitigating the potential impact from energy production. Texas, the nation’s leading energy producing state, is also home to some of the nation’s most beautiful coastline,” said Sen. Hutchison.

The Coastal Impact Assistance Program was authorized in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. It directs the Department of the Interior, through the MMS, to distribute $250 million annually in fiscal years 2007-10 to six coastal states that host offshore energy production, including Texas, Alabama, Alaska, California, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

Sens. Cornyn and Hutchison teamed up with their Senate colleagues from offshore energy producing states to ensure coastal communities are compensated for harboring the energy infrastructure that feeds our nation. The Senators worked to successfully facilitate communications between the State of Texas and MMS to ensure the State plan received due consideration, met program requirements and was approved without delay.

Texas counties that will receive funds include Aransas, Brazoria, Calhoun, Cameron, Chambers, Galveston, Harris, Jackson, Jefferson, Kenedy, Kleberg, Matagorda, Nueces, Orange, Refugio, San Patricio, Victoria and Willacy.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Armed Services, Judiciary and Budget Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee and the Armed Services Committee’s Airland subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.

January 2009 News Releases

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