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U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State

   Committee Assignments


See How I Voted
   111th 1st Session
   110th 2nd Session
   110th 1st Session
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   109th 1st Session
   108th 2nd Session
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   107th 1st Session
   106th 2nd Session
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   105th 2nd Session
   105th 1st Session
   104th 2nd Session
   104th 1st Session
   103rd 2nd Session
   103rd 1st Session


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103rd-109th Congress


Bills Sponsored by Senator Murray

Link to 109th Sponsored Bills
Link to 108th Sponsored Bills

Link to 107th Sponsored Bills
Link to 106th Sponsored Bills
Link to 105th Sponsored Bills
Link to 104th Sponsored Bills
Link to 103th Sponsored Bills


Bills Cosponsored by Senator Murray

Link to 109th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 108th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 107th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 106th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 105th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 104th Cosponsored Bills
Link to 103th Cosponsored Bills



Bills Sponsored by
Sen. Murray:

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Link to 110th Sponsored Bills


Bills Cosponsored by Sen. Murray:

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Link to 110th Cosponsored Bills


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