Member Activity
  • Linder Op-Ed: Nothing in Dem Proposal Spurs Small Firms to Hire
    Jan 29, 2009  - You have all heard the proverb: “Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can eat for the rest of his life.” The $825 billion stimulus package we voted on Wednesday night is full of fish to hand out, but no fishing rods. I voted no. In an economic downturn the most... More
  • Roskam Op-Ed: Stimulus Plan Must Make Real Impact Now
    Jan 29, 2009  - Five hundred thousand jobs lost last month, the Dow Jones industrial average teetering at 8,000, and home prices continuing to plummet - to say our economy is in need of repair would be quite the understatement. The great challenge before Congress and President Obama must be met with an equal... More
  • Wilson Op-Ed: Tax Relief, Help for Small Businesses Way to Improve Economy
    Jan 28, 2009  - This week, Congress will vote on a massive $825 billion spending package introduced by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership. In an all too familiar fashion, Democrats are citing the current economic recession as an instance that demands billions in new government spending.... More
  • Broun Feature: RSC Economic Stimulus Proposal Worth a Try
    Jan 28, 2009  - His logic is unassailable, and given the utter confusion, if not outright failure, of the current approaches to kick-starting America's ailing economy, Congressman Paul Broun's proposed amendment to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ought to get some serious consideration in... More
  • Issa Op-Ed: The $825 Billion Earmark
    Jan 28, 2009  - An AP story appearing Sunday began, "President Barack Obama's ban on earmarks in the $825 billion economic stimulus bill doesn't mean interest groups, lobbyists and lawmakers won't be able to funnel money to pet projects … The result … is a shadowy lobbying effort that may make it difficult to... More
  • Issa Op-Ed: Stimulus Bill Sells Out Taxpayers
    Jan 28, 2009  - The so-called American Recovery and Reinvestment Act amounts to nothing more than an $825 billion earmark designed to expand government on the backs of the American taxpayers using money we do not have. There is little guarantee of any short-term gain, but there is no question of the irreparable... More
  • Campbell Op-Ed: An Awful Excuse for a Stimulus Bill
    Jan 28, 2009  - Last September, we cautiously backed away from the precipice of financial collapse, but we are still a long way from getting our economy growing, flourishing, and functioning properly. Now, more than ever, we need innovative economic policies, not the political gamesmanship already playing out... More
  • Price Op-Ed: Economic Recovery Act is Wiser Alternative to Massive Spending
    Jan 28, 2009  - Congressional Democrats have engaged in a full offensive to convince the American people that another massive dose of borrowing and spending is the solution to our economic tribulations. They talk of an economic near-Armageddon without as much as a trillion dollars in new spending. The rhetoric, in... More
  • Issa Op-Ed: GAO at-Risk List Underscores Importance of Oversight in 2009
    Jan 27, 2009  - In his first weekly radio address, President Barack Obama promised “unprecedented effort to root out waste, inefficiency and unnecessary spending in our government.” The fact that Obama has chosen his very first weekly radio address to underscore the need to address waste, fraud, abuse and... More
  • Hoekstra Op-Ed: A Bipartisan Approach to Security
    Jan 26, 2009  - Congratulations, President Obama. Your election as America’s first African-American president is a historic milestone for our nation. I wish you a successful presidency, especially in confronting your two most important tasks: protecting our nation from harm and addressing the economic... More

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