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Vote Reveals Bipartisan Desire for a Different Approach

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PR-Vote Reveals Bipartisan Desire for a Different Approach

Washington, Jan 29 - Republican Study Committee Chairman Tom Price issued the following statement in response to yesterday’s final vote on the Democrats’ borrowing-and-spending bill. In a stinging rebuke of the Democrat leadership’s partisan approach, Republicans, joined by responsible Democrats, mounted a united opposition to the bill.

“Though Democrat leaders refused Republican input, the spirit of bipartisanship emerged last night in the search for a better way,” said Chairman Price. “By rejecting the largest borrowing-and-spending bill in American history, both Republicans and Democrats made clear that a massive government expenditure is not the solution.  With bipartisan agreement that the package is incapable of providing economic relief, we must move in a direction that empowers people instead of government.  

“Any real solution to our economic problems will place greater confidence in American people and small businesses with meaningful tax relief and reduced economic burdens. Though we sit on opposite sides of the aisle, I call on my colleagues who opposed their party leadership to fight alongside us to ensure the American people receive a final package that offers real stimulus and long-term economic growth.”

Note: The Republican Study Committee has introduced the Economic Recovery and Middle-Class Tax Relief Act, legislation based on three main themes: 1) Support Families through Tax Relief; 2) Provide Economic Relief for American Businesses and Entrepreneurs; and 3) Save Future Generations from a Crushing Debt Burden.  For a full summary, click here.


Congressman Tom Price is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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