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Contact: Charlie Keller 202-225-1002

Exclusive House Committee Has Jurisdiction over Social Security, Medicare, Tax and Trade Policy

Washington, D.C., Jan 7 -

U.S. Representative Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05) today announced that she has been named to the House Ways and Means Committee for the 111th Congress.  A former Chairman of the Health Committee in the Florida Senate, Rep. Brown-Waite has spent much of her legislative career immersed in the issues under the Committee’s jurisdiction.


“Our country faces many challenges today, none bigger than the pressing need for health care and entitlement reform,” said Rep. Brown-Waite.  “As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, I will work to protect Social Security benefits, find comprehensive solutions to the health care crisis facing our nation, fight to keep taxes low and stimulate job creation.  I am excited to join Chairman Rangel, Ranking Member Camp and the other members of the Committee as we tackle the vital issues that affect the daily lives of all Americans.”


Representing Florida’s 5th District since 2003, Rep. Brown-Waite has spent much of her career handling health care policy.  A former New York State Senate staff member, Rep. Brown-Waite went on to serve as a Hernando County (FL) Commissioner and a Florida State Senator.  During her time in the Senate she worked as a health care consultant, taught college-level health care policy, and chaired the Senate Health Committee.  The 5th District is also home to the highest concentration of Medicare and Social Security recipients of any House district, and Florida is one of the largest states when it comes to foreign trade revenues.


Rep. Dave Camp, the Committee Ranking Member said, “I welcome Ginny Brown-Waite to Ways and Means, a Committee whose issues she is already intimately familiar with coming from Florida where she handles issues like Social Security, Medicare, and tax and trade issues every day.  Ginny has a wealth of legislative experience handling health care and tax policy, and will be able to hit the ground running.  Having served with her in the House for the past six years, I know she will continue her strong track record of fiscal discipline while ensuring that the needs of her constituents are met.”

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