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Contact: Charlie Keller 202-225-1002


Ginny and the Group of Blue Star Gold Star Parents


Washington, D.C., Oct 24, 2008 -

Knowing of your interest in Social Security, I want to share with you the good news that all Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 5.8% increase in their monthly payments for 2009.  This increase, known as the annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), reflects the inflated prices Americans are paying for basic needs such as food and energy costs.  This boost in your monthly check should help you to cope with necessary expenses during the coming year. 


The 5th District of Florida is home to hundreds of thousands of Social Security recipients, and one of the reasons you sent me to Congress was to fight to preserve and protect your benefits.  Since taking office in 2003, I have made it my mission to guarantee seniors are afforded a fair COLA each year.  I was very disappointed last year when the Social Security Administration announced that the COLA for 2008 would only be 2.3%, and I know from talking with seniors throughout the eight counties that make up the 5th District how detrimental this was to your financial situation. 


The 5.8% increase for next year is more than double what the COLA was this year, and is the largest increase in over 25 years.  I am very pleased with this outcome, and hope you are as well. 


While I feel this is a fair increase, you have my word that this does not mean I will stop working to strengthen Social Security benefits for my constituents.  There is certainly still work to be done.  When the new Congress reconvenes next January, I plan to re-introduce the Social Security Protection Act.  This bill would prohibit Congress from enacting any legislation that reduces benefits for current retirees.  As Congress works on legislation that could change Social Security, I intend to do what I can to make sure my legislation is included and that my constituents’ benefits are always protected. 

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