Ohio Service Members Receive Inauguration Tickets from Senator Brown

Iraq-Afghanistan Veterans, Now Stationed at Walter Reed, Receive Swearing-In Tickets to Inauguration

January 19, 2009

WASHIGNTON, D.C. –Ten Ohio service members will receive tickets to tomorrow’s Inauguration from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH). Brown is the only member of Congress to provide military personnel stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center with tickets to the swearing-in ceremony.

“This Inauguration is an incredible moment in our nation’s history,” said Brown, a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. “I’m thrilled to celebrate the installation of our new President with so many distinguished Ohioans.”

These service members, the majority of whom served as medical personnel in Iraq, Afghanistan, or both, are now stationed at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. The Commander of the Medical Center Brigade at Walter Reed, COL Gordon Roberts, is also a native Ohioan.

“These Ohioans represent some of our state’s most dedicated men and women,” said Brown. “I applaud their service to our country and am glad they’ll be able to witness this historic event.”

The following service members will receive tickets to the swearing-in ceremony:
MAJ Gregory Applegate of Mansfield
SPC Valerie Bragg of Atwater
CPT  Andrew Contreras of Lima
SPC Steven Downey of Cleveland
SGT Katharina Hamper of Painesville
SGT Dustin Jagger of Canton
SSG Kevin Kennerly of Akron
MAJ  Charles Kuhens of Dayton
1LT Elisabeth Anne Mixer of Cincinnati
SGT Dianna Sokol of Columbus


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