At a Glance

Capitol Office
720 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
phone: 202-224-6551
fax: 202-224-0012


Coalition Leadership Roles

  • Co-Chair, Senate Air Force Caucus, 2007
  • Co-Vice Chair, Senate Centrist Coalition, 2005
  • Co-Chair, Congressional Sportsman’s Caucus, 2005-06
  • Co-Chair, High Tech Working Group 2005-06
  • Co-Chair, Senate Space Power Caucus, 2004
  • Co-Chair, U.S.-Russian Federation Parliamentary Council, 2004
  • Co-Chair, Ethanol Across America, 2004


May 17, 1941, McCook, Nebraska

Wife, Diane Nelson, four children

U. Of Nebraska, B.A. 1963 (philosophy); M.A. 1965 (philosophy); J.D. 1970

Lawyer, Insurance Executive

Political Highlights
Neb. Director of Insurance, 1975-76; governor, 1991-1999; Democratic Nominee to U.S. Senate 1996; Elected to U.S. Senate 2000.

Printable At a Glance

About Ben: Sample Intro

Currently serving his second term in the United States Senate, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson has gained a reputation as the “go to guy” to get things done by bringing Republicans and Democrats together on various issues.

As a leading Senate centrist, he plays an increasingly important role in uniting senators on both sides of the aisle to put progress ahead of partisanship as he forges compromises between President Bush and the Senate.

This ability to unite people with opposing interests comes as no surprise to Nebraskans who followed his 8 years in the Governor’s office where he created a program called “One Nebraska” to get city and rural residents, who frequently disagree on issues, to work together for the good of the state.

When Senator Nelson left the governor’s office after serving 2 terms that he had approval ratings of 80 percent.

Ben Nelson champions the causes dear to the hearts of Nebraskans. As Governor, he cut state taxes and as Senator he helped pass massive cuts in federal taxes.

As a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, he is a strong advocate for Nebraska agriculture shepherding drought aid through the Congress by convincing senators from urban states that the extended drought was just as damaging to Nebraska as a hurricane is to Florida and deserving of federal assistance. He did it by taking the unprecedented tactic of naming the drought. He called it Drought David. It made his point and the drought aid was approved.

As a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Chairman of the Sub-committee on Personnel, Senator Nelson has become a leader in issues affecting the military and security of our country.

Ben Nelson takes his commitment to our troops seriously having twice visited war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan during fact finding missions. He spent Thanksgiving 2004 in Baghdad visiting with Nebraska soldiers and Marines to get first hand assessments of their needs. He returned to Iraq in 2007 to meet with Nebraska soldiers and Iraqi elected officials.

In 2007, Ben Nelson became a member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, where he ensures Nebraska's voice is heard when federal spending priorities are set.

Ben Nelson is known for his sense of humor once appearing on Candid Camera when he was governor trying to persuade unsuspecting visitors to his office that he wanted to change the name of the state.

Senator Nelson was born in the City of Governors, also know as the small town of McCook, in southwest Nebraska, which is home to 3 of Nebraska’s governors and 2 of its Senators.

Senator Nelson graduated from the University of Nebraska Lincoln where he considered joining the ministry and even served rural congregations as a lay minister before earning a law degree in 1970.

Senator Nelson and his wife Diane continue to live in Omaha. They have 4 adult children and 3 grand children.