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(April 15, 2008) Lipinski Calls for Careful Scrutiny of Delta-Northwest Merger PDF  | Print |


Lipinski Calls for Careful Scrutiny of Delta-Northwest Merger

Administration Must Put Concerns of Airline Passengers and Workers First

[Washington, D.C.]  In response to last night’s announcement that Delta Airlines and Northwest Airlines have agreed to a merger, Rep. Lipinski once again called on the Administration to put the needs of airline passengers and workers first when considering merger proposals.  The potential Delta-Northwest merger would result in the world’s largest carrier and could spur further mergers in the airline industry.

“As the Department of Transportation and the Attorney General examine this merger, they should carefully consider its potential impact on airline workers and the flying public,” said Rep. Lipinski.  “Past airline mergers have resulted in inefficiencies, fewer routes to underserved areas, and disruptions in the airline workforce.  The Administration must consider the full cost of airline mergers when looking at this proposal and not just the potential Wall Street profits.”

In March, Congressman Dan Lipinski (D-IL) was joined by Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-OH) and 45 other members of Congress in sending a letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters urging careful examination of airline mergers.  The letter, which was authored by Rep. Lipinski, highlights several problems stemming from previous airline mergers and requests that the Attorney General and Secretary of Transportation carefully consider the interests of the flying public and airline employees when evaluating any airline consolidations.

“The American flying public deserves the best airline service possible, and that means guaranteeing real choices in air travel,” said Rep. Lipinski. “I will continue to monitor this potential merger while considering the full range of legislative options to protect the interests of airline workers and the American flying public.”

In addition to Representatives Lipinski and LaTourette, the other 45 cosigners of the letter include:  Neil Abercrombie, Jason Altmire, Joe Baca, Brian Baird, Corrine Brown, Michael Capuano, Russ Carnahan, Steve Cohen, Danny Davis, Peter DeFazio, Lloyd Doggett, Keith Ellison, Sam Farr, Bob Filner, Charles Gonzalez, Al Green, John Hall, Phil Hare, Maurice Hinchey, Mazie Hirono, Tim Holden, Jessie Jackson Jr., Eddie Bernice Johnson, Timothy Johnson, Marcy Kaptur, Zoe Lofgren, Betty McCollum, Thaddeus McCotter, James McGovern, Michael Michaud, Tim Murphy, Grace Napolitano, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Donald Payne, Nick Rahall, Laura Richardson, Lucille Roybal-Allard, Bobby Rush, Tim Ryan, Linda Sanchez, John Shimkus, Hilda Solis, Zachary Space, Betty Sutton, and Timothy Walz.

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