Tom Carper | United States Senator for Delaware E-mail Senator Carper

Carper's Corner

National Mentoring Month

January 27, 2009

Wilmington - January is National Mentoring Month, and as a long-time mentor myself, I want to take a little time to share my experiences with you, and even encourage you to become a mentor, as well, if you aren't one already. For more than 13 years, I have been a mentor to several young people. I truly believe each of us is the person we are today in large part because of the influence of caring adults in our lives. A parent is, ideally, every child's best mentor, but some children need a little more support than their parents can give.

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Inauguration Day

January 14, 2009

Washington - What an exciting time to be from Delaware! As President-elect Obama and Vice President Biden's inauguration approaches, my staff and I have been hearing from people all over the state who are excited about being a part of this historic occasion. As you may know, my office received some 6,000 ticket requests, far exceeding the limited number of tickets available for distribution. Soon after the election was over, the trickle of requests for tickets quickly became a river and then a flood. Thousands of requests came in from all corners of the state, from Delawareans who've attended inaugurations before and those who haven't.

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January 2, 2009

During this time when we are buying and disposing of more items, it's a perfect time to find new ways to reduce our ecological footprint. Among all the ways we can help to protect our environment, I believe that one of the simplest, yet most important activities is recycling.

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