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Beginning her fourth term as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Ginny has built a reputation with her 5th District constituents as an independent and tenacious leader with the ability and authority to get things done.  Since her arrival in 2003, Ginny has emerged as one of the most outspoken, hard-working and dynamic members of the House.

During her first few years in the House, Ginny was an active member of the Financial Services, Homeland Security and Veterans’ Affairs Committees.  Ginny’s work on these panels was recognized by local, state and national organizations for her ability to pass bipartisan legislation and amendments, look out for the needs of her constituents, and always working to do the right thing for our nation.  At the start of the 111th Congress, she joined the Ways and Means Committee and was forced to relinquish her seats on her previous committees.  Although she will not be an official member of these committees anymore, Ginny will remain focused on securing our borders, providing oversight and accountability of our financial markets, and fighting for the needs of American veterans.  

During her three terms in the House, Ginny has focused her legislative agenda on issues directly affecting 5th District residents.  In the 111th Congress, Ginny will continue her efforts to create a national catastrophic insurance fund, lower the tax burden on American workers, increase healthcare access for veterans, protect Social Security and Medicare for current and near retirees, and help to secure our nation’s borders.  These issues are important to the 5th District and will remain the focus of Ginny’s work in Congress.


A new member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Ginny is joining the venerable Committee that has jurisdiction over healthcare issues, Social Security, taxes and trade.  One of the very first Committees founded by the House of Representatives, previous Speakers of the House, Senators and Presidents have all served as members of Ways and Means.  On the Committee, Ginny serves on the Social Security and Health Subcommittees, positions that will give her an important say in the national debate over healthcare and tax reform.


Throughout her tenure in the House, Ginny has returned home every weekend and on all extended breaks from Congress’ normal legislative session.  She has said repeatedly to friends and constituents, “I’ll never fall in love with the place you sent me to work.  I work in Washington, but my home is here in Florida.”


Ginny is a native of Albany, New York, and an alumna of The State College System.  She received her Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Russell Sage College and holds a Labor Studies Program Certification from Cornell University.  Residing in Brooksville, Ginny is a mother to three adult daughters and a grandmother to four grandsons and one granddaughter.  Her husband, Harvey, a former New York State trooper, recently passed away following a bout with cancer.


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