
Congressman Reichert believes that it is imperative for all students – no matter their age, income, or race – to have access to the very best education possible. He supports strengthening our public schools and granting states and districts the flexibility needed to provide every child the quality education they deserve; adequately funding programs for special-needs students; and making college affordable for all students seeking higher education.


Congressman Reichert recognizes that a quality education provides the foundation necessary for our children to overcome obstacles and succeed in the global economy. For his leadership, the National Education Association gave him an “A” grade.


·         Supported making college more accessible and affordable by cutting the interest rates on subsidized student loans in half; increasing the maximum Pell Grant to $9,000; and making Pell Grants available year-round.

·         Offered an amendment to the FY2009 Budget Resolution and is a cosponsor of legislation to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to ensure that every special needs student receives the quality education they deserve. 

·         Supported providing comprehensive early childhood development services to low-income and homeless children; giving some of our most vulnerable children the “Head Start” needed to be fully prepared for Kindergarten.

·         Supported improving college access and success for our veterans through new scholarship programs; and making certain our veterans are not penalized in the financial aid process by their own contributions to their GI benefits.

·         Supported funding for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and basic science research to keep our nation competitive in the global economy and at the forefront of innovation and technological development.

Education Caucus Membership:

Congressional Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education CaucusImpact Aid Coalition Caucus

Congressional Community College Caucus

House Impact Aid Coalition

Education Awards

Champion for Students

United States Student Association, March 2008
"In his work to expand access to higher education for all students through supporting legislation to make higher education more affordable."

Related News:

House Passes Reichert Amendment to Reduce School Class Size (Press Releases - 6.4.2008)

Reichert Resolution Passes House: Recognizes Contributions of Women to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Press Releases - 6.4.2008)

Reichert Honors Young Constituents Receiving the Congressional Award (Press Releases - 5.27.2008)

Reichert Honors Mentors, Big Brothers, Big Sisters Organization (Press Releases - 1.23.2008)

Reichert Announces $10,000 for the Pomegranate Center in Issaquah (Press Releases - 11.13.2007)

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