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Assistant Director
    Robert A. Dennis 
Division Administrative Assistant
    Linda Lewis Harris 
Projections Unit
Unit Chief
    John F. Peterson 
    Robert W. Arnold (Potential GDP, non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, medium-term projections)
    Holly Battelle (Assistant)
    David A. Brauer (Labor markets, inflation)
    Naomi Griffin (Labor markets)
    Juann H. Hung (International)
    Mark J. Lasky (Macro models)
    Eric Miller (Assistant)
    Frank S. Russek (Fiscal policy)
    Christopher Williams (Current developments)
Fiscal Policy Studies Unit
Unit Chief
    William Randolph 
    Juan M. Contreras (GE Modeling, Labor, Capital)
    Jonathan A. Huntley (Stochastic GE Modeling, Computational Economics, open-economy macro)
    Benjamin R. Page (Social Security, long-run effects of the budget on the economy, private saving)
    Marika Santoro (Macro effects of tax policy, GE Modeling, Social Security)
    Robert G. Shackleton Jr. (Open economy, macro models, public finance, energy, climate change)
    Sven Sinclair (Macroeffects of tax policy, GE Modeling, Social Security)
    Susan Yang (Macroeffects of tax policy, public finance)
Financial Markets
Deputy Assistant Director
    Kim J. Kowalewski 
    Wendy Kiska (Financial analysis and accounting)
    Damien Moore (Pensions and financial analysis)
    David Torregrosa (Financial accounting, insurance)
    Steven A. Weinberg (Federal credit and insurance programs)

Macroeconomic Analysis Division

Telephone: (202) 226-2750
Fax: (202) 226-0332

The Macroeconomic Analysis Division combines three major responsibilities: economic forecasting, policy analysis, and financial analysis of federal programs. In its forecasting role, the division is responsible for preparing CBO's economic projections for periods up to 10 years. Those projections help the budget committees develop the concurrent resolution on the budget and serve as the economic assumptions underlying CBO's baseline projections of the budget. In its policy analysis role, the division examines the effects of fiscal policy on the economy using state-of-the-art macroeconomic models. In its financial role, the division studies the economic implications of the federal government's complex financial arrangements using the tools of modern financial analysis, and analyzes ways to report and manage the federal government's exposure to risk. The results of those studies and analyses, along with general information on macroeconomic issues, aim to inform the Congress in its decisionmaking and bolster the public's understanding. In analyzing the macroeconomic effects of a wide range of fiscal policies, the division works closely with CBO's other divisions.

Assistant Director for Macroeconomic Analysis

Photograph of Robert A. DennisRobert A. Dennis has been with CBO since 1979. Before being named Assistant Director, he served as Deputy Assistant Director of the division. Previously, he was Manager of Macroeconomic Forecasting for Economic Models Ltd. in London and Director of National Economic Projections for the National Planning Association in Washington, D.C.