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Contact: McCall Avery (202) 225-4201

Sam Johnson calls on Johnny Sutton to testify before Congress under oath on protecting a Mexican drug smuggler over U.S. border agents

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Washington, Jul 25, 2007 -

Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) demanded that Johnny Sutton go before a House panel and testify under oath why he protected an illegal-immigrant drug smuggler over United States border agents, despite knowing full well that the smuggler had been caught running drugs again.


United States Attorney Johnny Sutton changed course and has announced that he will no longer testify before a House Foreign Affairs panel on the case involving two United States border agents sentenced to long-term prison sentences for shooting a Mexican drug runner in the buttocks.  They feared for their lives and thought the drug runner was armed. 


His refusal to testify comes in the wake of a special discovery.  Today at a news conference on Capitol Hill, U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (46th Dist.-Calif) revealed official border crossing documents that indicate the drug smuggler in the Ramos and Compean Border Agent case was issued unfettered access to the United States after his involvement in a second drug smuggling incident.  The documents clearly prove the drug smuggler, who was given immunity to testify against Border Agents Ramos and Compean, was issued two more border passes after the government became aware of Aldrete-Davila’s involvement in a second load of narcotics.  The paperwork includes six border crossing cards total.


“This is gross, just gross. Johnny Sutton needs to testify or resign.  Johnny Sutton needs to declare under oath why he gave a Mexican drug smuggler a free pass to testify against border agents who were doing their jobs,” said Johnson.


Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are currently serving 11 and 12 year prison terms, respectively.  The plight of the jailed border agents has garnered intense scrutiny because of the severe prosecution and unfair conviction of the agents for shooting a fleeing


“illegal drug smuggler during an altercation after 740 pounds (over $1 million street value) of marijuana was discovered in his van near the border. 


“It appears as though the U.S. Attorney’s Office was so intent on getting Ramos and Compean that their judgment was totally clouded to the degree they aided and abetted a criminal who was at that point actively engaged and already involved with a drug cartel,” says Rohrabacher. 


“Obviously, giving a free border crossing pass to a known drug smuggler either reflects total incompetence or warped sense of prosecutorial priorities which has plagued this case from the beginning. The Departments of Justice and Homeland Security have not been forthcoming about producing documents in this case and have both declined to appear before my Subcommittee to account for their actions.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office withheld critical information from the jury and have continued to do so with Congress,” said Rohrabacher.


“When it comes to our U.S. border agents who are just trying to do their jobs, a United States District Attorney has a civic obligation to bring to the public’s attention any evidence that would reflect upon the credibility of a witness or dramatically change the outcome of the case. 

Johnny Sutton gave the drug runner free access to cross our borders on condition that he would not smuggle drugs again.  Later, Johnny Sutton found out that the witness was running drugs but still let him testify as an ‘innocent victim.’  By allowing the drug runner to testify, Johnny Sutton let a known liar testify against our own border agents.”


For months now Johnson has called on President Bush to pardon the agents from their lengthy prison terms, sadly, with little success.  “Hopefully this new information will change the President’s mind,” concluded Johnson.

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