New Commander in Chief

Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th president of the United States by Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts in Washington, D.C., Jan. 20. More than 5,000 men and women in uniform provide. More...

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Photo by Master Sgt. Cecilio Ricardo

Post tax preparation center opens

Fort Gordon's tax center will be able to show you the money. "The tax center provided the free filing of 2,700 federal and state tax returns" in 2008, said Col. John Holwick, garrison commander at the ribbon cutting for the center on Wednesday. More...

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Photo by Charmain Z. Brackett Fort Gordon

Noncommissioned officers earn accolades

Unholding Family tradition Correspondent Fort Gordon's Garrison Noncommissioned Officer of the Year for 2008 chose to follow familiar footprints when choosing his career path. "It's a Family tradition. My mom and dad, grandfather and uncles were in the Army," said Staff Sgt. Wesley Mack, 35th. More...

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Charmain Z. Brackett Charmain Z. Brackett Correspondent

Noncommissioned Officers recognized

Most guest speakers at Fort Gordon receive some type of thank-you gift, but none as unique as the one Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Foley, U.S. Army Signal Center and Fort Gordon commanding general, received Jan. More...

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Photo by Master Sgt. Cecilio Ricardo

Deployment ready

(Right) First Sgt. LaShawn Brown salutes Capt. Meeshack Lee, company commander during unit colors casing ceremony Jan. 22 on Barton Field. (Below) Brown and Lee slide the unit's colors into a case with the assistance of color bearer, Pfc. Andrew Dayton. The casing of the colors ceremony was held for 518th Tactical Installation and Networking Company. More...

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Photos by Frank Carter

Signal company redeploys

Ninety-eight Company B, 63rd Signal Battalion Soldiers debark at Augusta Regional Air Port early Jan. 21, completing a 15-month deployment to the Middle East. More... .

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Photo by Spc. William Norris

Service members enjoy inaugural ball event.   C. Todd Lopez Army News Service "A New Day"
Burke embraces hope, historic moment
President Obama & Mrs. Obama dance President Barack Obama dances with Sgt. Margaret H. Herrera while first lady Michelle Obama dances with Marine Corps Sgt. Elidio Guillen at the Commander-in-Chief's Ball. A New Day for our CountryThe promise of a new day echoed from the streets of Washington, D.C., to the rural dirt roads of Burke County Tuesday. Barack Obama took the oath of office and became the 44th President of the United States.

Welcome to Fort Gordon home of the US Army Signal Center and School; numerous deployable forces; superb medical and dental facilities; unique commands that support regional and global missions; and an installation that provides world class support to our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, our civilian work force, and our Families.

As Commander of the Signal Center and Chief of the Signal Regiment, I am privileged to lead a team relentless in its pursuit of our mission to provide world class Soldiers and Leaders; train and educate adaptive information technology professionals; and plan the Army's future network enterprise capabilities across the force.

BG Foley BG Jeffrey W. Foley


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Ft Gordon Weather 

FALL 2008

Heroes of the Signal Regiment
Heroes of the Signal Regiment



  2009 Signal Command - Fort Gordon Georgia. This is an official U.S. Army website.