(November 5, 2007) Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Auction Press Conference PDF  | Print |

Representative Daniel Lipinski (IL-3)

Chicago Climate Exchange Carbon Auction Press Conference

November 5, 2007


Americans have become increasingly concerned about the threat of global climate change to our planet, and they are calling on America's leaders in government and industry to do more.  As we work on solutions to this problem we must be innovative.  That is why I am proud that our very own Chicago Climate Exchange is at the forefront of solutions.  And I am happy to join Reps. Emanuel and Kirk, Chief Administrative Officer Beard, and Drs. Walsh and Sandor for the announcement of the results of this reverse auction.  I am very pleased that the House of Representatives has taken this positive step as part of the Greening the Capitol initiative.  The action here today and the entire initiative have made the House a leader and model for our nation in combating global warming.


But the House Greening initiative does even more than what we are announcing today.  For example, all of the lights in the House and its office buildings have been switched over to high efficiency bulbs, such as this compact fluorescent light bulb, or CFL.  I have been working (through my bill, the BRIGHT Energy Savings Act, which was included in the House comprehensive energy bill, and through floor amendments to appropriations bills) to switch all federal buildings to high efficiency bulbs.  This bulb uses 75% less energy than a common bulb, so given the size of the federal government this change would significantly cut energy usage, thereby helping fight global warming, increasing American energy independence, and saving taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.  It is time for the entire federal government to follow the House's lead on this and all climate change issues.


I'd like to thank the Chicago Climate Exchange for hosting this event and for working with the House of Representatives in making this a reality.  This is an important step in our quest to make Congress carbon neutral and I am extremely proud to be here on this historic day as we make the world a greener place to live.


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