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Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District   Congressman Mike Rogers - Representing Michigan's 8th Congressional District
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Fighting for Affordable Health Care


Paying for health care is an important part of every family’s budget.  As the cost of health care rises, many employers have had to cut back on the health benefits they offer, and at the same time many Americans feel the pressure of rising costs eating into their well-deserved pay raises.

To combat this I have cosponsored several bills that aim to reduce the high premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for health care, including a refundable tax credit for the purchase of health insurance and a safety net for the uninsured.

Bringing Down the Cost of Health Insurance:

The cost of health insurance in the United States has exploded, placing high quality, accessible care outside the reach of too many of our citizens.  Today, the average yearly premium for private insurance has sky-rocketed to $12,106 for a family of four.  That is why I support the Health Insurance Tax Relief Act, which would create a refundable tax credit for the purchase of health insurance.  This legislation would allow make it easier for millions of Americans to purchase health insurance.

With all the advances in modern medicine, our health care system continues to be stuck in the pen-and-paper past.  Patient records are still kept in filing cabinets, and doctors still have to sift through paper records when treating someone at the emergency room.  This makes health care more expensive, puts lives in jeopardy, and adds costs to insurance premiums.  That is why I have co-authored H.R. 3800, the Promoting Health Information Technology Act.  Modern technology will transform our health care system, saving American families billions and preventing costly medical mistakes.

Expanding Health Insurance For Working Americans:

I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 525, the Small Business Health Fairness Act, which will create association health plans (AHPs).  AHPs are group health plans sponsored by trade, industry, professional, chamber of commerce, or similar business associations that allow small employers to band together and offer health insurance to their employees.  With nearly half of all uninsured Americans working for small businesses, AHP’s hold the promise of affordable health insurance for literally millions of Americans.

A Safety Net for the Uninsured:

I continue to be a strong supporter of our nation’s safety net for the uninsured.  One way the uninsured can receive access to care is through the use of Community Health Centers.  Community Health Centers provide comprehensive primary health care services to patients, regardless of their ability to pay.  This year, I have supported H.R. 1343, the Health Centers Renewal Act.  This legislation will provide over $14 billion in funding for Community Health Centers so they can continue their critical work of providing primary care to needy patients.  

I am also working in Congress to strength key public health programs that assist Community Health Centers, including the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and the Medicaid and Medicare programs.  I have co-authored a measure which would expand the SCHIP program to cover more vulnerable children, and I continue to work to strengthen Medicaid for low-income individuals and Medicare for seniors.  It is vitally important that we protect these safety net programs for future generations. 

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