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Budget Update Archives

February 15, 2005 Background for February 16th Hearing on the President’s FY2006 Budget Request for R&D: Staff Analysis
February 6, 2002 The President's FY2003 Budget for Research and Development: An Analysis by the Democratic Staff of the House Science Committee
April 10, 2001 The President's FY2002 Budget for Research and Development: An Analysis by the Democratic Staff of the House Science Committee
June 3, 1997 Brown Takes Investment Budget to House Floor
March 25, 1997 Investment Budget Initiative
September 25, 1996 Emphasizing Investment in R&D: A Proposal for a Balanced Budget
May 21, 1996 Impact of the 1997 House Budget Resolution on Research and Development: Staff Analysis
March 28, 1996 The President's Fiscal Year 1997 Budget Request for R&D and Long-Term Outlook for Science: Analysis by the Democratic Staff


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