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U.S. Senate Committee on Veteran's Affairs

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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Press Releases


September 18, 2007

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) today applauded the announcement that VA Hawaii has been awarded a $210,394 grant to help family members caring for severely disabled and aging veterans.  The funding will enhance assistance to caregivers by providing much needed support, including adult-day health care; coordination of readjustment and rehabilitation services; transportation; caregiver education, training and certification; home care; respite care; hospice care; and other forms of non-institutional long-term care.

"I am so proud to hear that the VA in Hawaii has been awarded this funding to help the unpaid caregivers who fill such a vital role throughout our state.  I congratulate the staff at VA Hawaii for placing so much attention on the needs of aging and disabled veterans," stated Akaka.                       

The awarding of this VA grant stems from legislation championed by Senator Akaka in the last (109th) Congress and enacted as Public Law 109-461. 


September, 2007