Robert P. Casey Jr.

United States Senator for Pennsylvania

Casey says Pa. facing urgent business challenges

November 20, 2007

Source: Pittsburgh Business Times

By Kim Lyons

Sen. Bob Casey told the Advanced Manufacturing Network on Monday that the challenges faced by businesses in Pennsylvania are "more urgent, more difficult and more burdensome" than for other parts of the country.

"The loss of manufacturing jobs in particular, is a horrific set of numbers," Casey said. "I don't think any other part of the country suffered the economic trauma in one generation that was visited on southwestern Pennsylvania."

He cited the decline of steel jobs between 1974 and 1991 in the region, which led to a shrinking population.

A skilled work force on a level playing field, particularly when it comes to competing against China, is key to recouping some of the job losses, and moving the manufacturing industry forward, Casey said.

Moving to stop what he called China's "currency manipulation" is crucial to keeping American workers competitive, and investment in early education programs is a key part of any solution, he said. He cited his Prepare All Kids act in the Senate, which would provide $5 billion its first year for investment in pre-kindergarten programs in states willing to provide state money, that would agree to a monitoring program, to measure progress.

Asked about a meeting he and Sen. Arlen Specter and other state legislators held earlier this month with U.S. Airways CEO Doug Parker, Casey said he expressed his "anger and frustration" over the announced elimination of 450 local US Airways jobs.

"My biggest frustration was, 'what happens to these workers?'" Casey said. "They talk about severance, but what does that mean?"

There has been much "misinformation and misleading information" from U.S. Airways officials, Casey said.

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