District Services for the 2nd District of Pennsylvania

If you are experiencing a problem with a federal agency, please write or call Congressman Fattah’s District Office in Philadelphia, outlining the problem and requesting that staff look into the matter for you.

The office will help cut through the red tape as you file a disability claim, retrieve a copy of your military record, receive your tax refund, apply for naturalization, or inquire about veteran's benefits.

All pertinent information and claim numbers should be included in that correspondence -- such as: your Social Security number for a case involving Social Security; VA claim number for a case with the Department of Veterans Affairs; taxpayer identification number (Social Security number if individual) for Internal Revenue Service problem, a number for INS, etc.

The Privacy Act of 1974 requires that Members of Congress and their staffs have written authorization before they can obtain information about an individual's case. To provide us with permission, please complete and fax or mail the privacy release form (PDF below) to our Walnut Street office. Please also be sure to include copies.

Please also be sure to include your address, home phone number, and daytime phone number (if different from home) so that we can obtain additional information from you, if necessary. Copies of any documents or correspondence that you may have from the agency involved may also be helpful.

Additional Links On Philadelphia and Federal Resources

Government Guide

Constituent Services Form: Agency Assistance (PDF) ( 07/03/08 02:58 PM PST )