National Job Resources

The United States Department of Labor
The Department of Labor serves all American workers. Its many activities affect virtually every family in our country. Our primary mission is to serve an protect American workers, prepare them for new and better jobs, and ensure the adequacy of America's work places. In serving and protecting workers, the Department of Labor ensures workers' rights, inspects work sites, shields workers from employment discrimination, administers unemployment insurance programs, collects and analyzes economic data; protects pension benefits and enforces workers' compensation and wage standards. The Department also sponsors training and retraining programs to help workers and veterans adapt to the demand for new skills in the ever-changing work force.

America’s Job Bank
Visit this site and see how they can help you find the job that's right for you. Thousands of new jobs are posted daily.

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a toll-free information and referral service on job accommodations for people with disabilities; on the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and on resources for technical assistance, funding, education, and services related to the employment of people with disabilities. In addition, JAN analyzes trends and statistical data related to the technical assistance it provides.

ODEP Job Links
Employers listed on Job Links have indicated interest in recruiting and hiring qualified individuals with disabilities for open positions within their company or organization. Most employers are individual companies, but some may be recruiting, staffing or temporary placement firms that serve a number of companies.

One-Stop Employment Services
Connecting employment, education, and training services into a coherent network of resources at the local, state, and national level.

Career Guide to Industries
The 2002-03 Career Guide to Industries

Occupational Outlook Handbook
Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2002-03 Edition

Occupational Outlook Quarterly
Occupational Outlook Quarterly Online

America's Career InfoNet
Find wages and employment trends, occupational requirements, state by state labor market conditions, millions of employer contacts nationwide, and the most extensive career resource library online.

USA Jobs
Learn how to apply for jobs, build your resume, find an ideal job, or explore exciting Federal career options that match your interest.

JobNet is offered by the University of Michigan and is a public job site listing only public service jobs.

Department of Defense Job Site
Civilian Job Opportunities with the Department of Defense.

Job Corps
Job Corps is the nation's largest and most comprehensive residential, education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. Since its inauguration in 1964, under the Economic Opportunity Act, Job Corps has provided more than 2 million disadvantaged young people with the integrated academic, vocational, and social skills training they need to gain independence and get quality, long-term jobs or further their education.

Unemployment Benefits
The Department of Labor's Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own, and meet certain other eligibility requirements.

Application for Benefits
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s application for Welfare benefits.

Office of Personnel Management’s 2003 Salary Tables and Related Information


Everett Public Service Internship Program
Funds over 200 summer internships at progressive public service organizations.
Students can Search for jobs and internships available with the federal government.

End Violence Project
The End Violence Project ‘s mission is to generate conversations and deliver programs that end violence without violence.