Title 40--Protection of Environment

(This index contains parts 400 to 424)


400 [Reserved]
401 General provisions
402 [Reserved]
403 General pretreatment regulations for existing and new sources of pollution
405 Dairy products processing point source category
406 Grain mills point source category
407 Canned and preserved fruits and vegetables processing point source category
408 Canned and preserved seafood processing point source category
409 Sugar processing point source category
410 Textile mills point source category
411 Cement manufacturing point source category
412 Feedlots point source category
413 Electroplating point source category
414 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers
415 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category
416 [Reserved]
417 Soap and detergent manufacturing point source category
418 Fertilizer manufacturing point source category
419 Petroleum refining point source category
420 Iron and steel manufacturing point source category
421 Nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category
422 Phosphate manufacturing point source category
423 Steam electric power generating point source category
424 Ferroalloy manufacturing point source category

