/* FILE ARCHIVED ON 2:43:06 Jan 30, 2009 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE AN OPENWAYBACK INSTANCE ON 19:48:53 Oct 9, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY OPENWAYBACK, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ if (! ("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console)) {var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml", "group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"]; window.console = {}; for (var i = 0; i ' + City.cc + ' from Live Search'; var query = "{frsh=100} \""+City.name+"\" "+City.s[0]; LiveSearch.DS(query,8,LiveSearchCallBackHandler); } function LiveSearchCallBackHandler(d){ var r = d.News.Results; var len = r.length; if (len==0) { newsLabel(); return; } if (len>8) len=8; var source = IsNull(r[0].Source)?r[0].Url.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").split('/')[0].split('.')[1].toUpperCase():r[0].Source; var sourceurl = IsNull(r[0].Sourceurl)?"http://" + r[0].Url.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").split('/')[0]:r[0].Sourceurl; $main_o = len==0?'No Stories':'

/g, "") + '" href="' + r[0].Url + '">' + r[0].Title.replace(/\/g, "").replace(/\<\/strong\>/g, "") + '


' + Utils.headTrunc(r[0].Snippet, 108, true) + '

'; $settings_o = 'or choose by city'; for (var i=1;i/g, "").replace(/\<\/strong\>/g, ""); sh = h; /*Utils.headTrunc(h, 48-source.length, true);*/ if (i > 3) { $stories_o += '
'; } else { $stories_o += '
'; } sourceurl = IsNull(r[i].Sourceurl)?"http://" + r[i].Url.replace("http://", "").replace("https://", "").split('/')[0]:r[i].Sourceurl; $stories_o += '
'+source+'' + sh + '
'; } wxLabel(); } function newsLabel() { var l = $d.local || $s.local; if($newslabel_o == "") $newslabel_o = 'Local headlines for ' + l.city + ' from ' + l.affiliate; mainStory(); } function mainStory() { var heads = $d.headlines || $s.headlines; var head = heads[0].headline; /*Utils.headTrunc(heads[0].headline, 28, false);*/ var objRegExp=/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/; if (objRegExp.test(heads[0].src)) { $main_o = '

' + head + '

' + Utils.headTrunc(heads[0].abstract, 108, true) + '

'; } else { $main_o = '

' + head + '

' + Utils.headTrunc(heads[0].abstract, 108, true) + '

'; } settings(); } function settings() { $settings_o = 'or choose by city'; stories(); } function stories() { var heads = $d.headlines || $s.headlines; for (var i = 1; i < heads.length; i++) { var h = heads[i].headline; sh = h; /*Utils.headTrunc(h, 48, true);*/ if (i > 3) { $stories_o += '
'; } else { $stories_o += '
'; } var objRegExp=/^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/; if (objRegExp.test(heads[i].src)) { $stories_o += '
' + sh + '
'; } else { $stories_o += '
' + sh + '
'; } } wxLabel(); } function wxLabel() { var we = $d.weather || $s.weather; $wxlabel_o = 'Forecast for ' + Utils.headTrunc(we.city, 22, false) + ' via weather.com'; makeForecast(); } function makeLink(here) { var pz = Utils.getPersonalization(); var loc = 'USNY0996'; if (pz != undefined && pz.locCode != null) loc = pz.locCode; var pre = "https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/eot2008/20090130024306/http://msnbc.weather.com/weather/"; var suf = "?par=msnbc&site=msnbc.com&promo=0&cm_ven=MSNBC&cm_cat=www.msnbc.com&cm_pla=WxFront&cm_ite=CityPage"; return pre + here + '/' + loc + suf; } function makeForecast() { var isBW = (DBMgr.getFlavor() == 'default') ? ('_bw') : (''); var we = $d.weather || $s.weather; for (var i = 0; i < we.forecast.length; i++) { var f = we.forecast[i]; f.hi = Utils.cleanDate(f.hi); f.lo = Utils.cleanDate(f.lo); if (i > 2) { $f_o += ''; } else { $f_o += ''; } f.day = Utils.commaCrop(f.day); $f_o += '' + f.day + ''; f.text = f.text.replace(/(|<\/b>)/g, ''); f.text = f.text.replace(/()/g, ' '); $f_o += '' + f.cond + ''; var tp = (f.hi != '') ? (f.hi + ' / ' + f.lo) : ('low ' + f.lo); $f_o += '' + tp + ''; $f_o += ''; }; $f_o += ''; makeLinks(); } function makeLinks() { var hrefs = ["hourbyhour", "tenday"]; var labels = ["Hourly", "10-day"]; $l_o += ''; for (var i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { $l_o += '
'; } else { $l_o += ''; }; $l_o += ''; $l_o += ''; render(); } function hideEms() { $grid.cell1.className = "content w1 sL label-span"; $grid.localC.className = "nocookie"; $grid.localF.className = "nocookie"; $grid.localW.className = "nocookie"; $grid.localH.className = "nocookie"; $grid.lnw.style.display = 'inline'; var localone = document.getElementById('localone'); localone.style.display = 'none'; $grid.cell1.style.background = 'url("")'; } function render() { $grid.label1.innerHTML = $newslabel_o; $grid.localF.innerHTML = $stories_o; $grid.lo.innerHTML = $main_o; $grid.label3.innerHTML = $wxlabel_o; $grid.localC.childNodes[0].innerHTML = $f_o; $grid.localW.innerHTML = $l_o; $grid.lnw.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[3].innerHTML = $settings_o; if (DBMgr.getFlavor() == 'default'&&(City.l!=true)) { hideEms(); } setGridHeight('grid_23283967'); } function clearEm(input) { if (input.value != "") { input.value = ""; } } function onLoad() { var root = document.getElementById('grid_' + GRID_ID); $grid.cell1 = root.firstChild; $grid.label1 = root.firstChild.firstChild; $grid.localH = root.firstChild.childNodes[1]; $grid.localF = root.childNodes[1].childNodes[1]; $grid.label3 = root.childNodes[2].firstChild; $grid.localC = root.childNodes[2].childNodes[1]; $grid.localW = root.childNodes[3].childNodes[1]; $grid.lnw = document.getElementById('LNWzipsearch'); $grid.lo = document.getElementById('localone'); if (DBMgr.getFlavor() == 'default') { document.getElementById('localH').className = 'nocookie'; $d = DBMgr.def.getData(); } else { $d = DBMgr.cookied.getData(); $s = DBMgr.def.getData(); if ($d == undefined) { $d = $s; }; } if (dbxErr == false) { /*live search*/ City.Init(CityInitCallbackHandler); if (City.l) {} else {newsLabel();} } else { var localHede = document.getElementById('localH'); var localErr = document.getElementById('localF'); localHede.innerHTML = '
'; localErr.innerHTML = '
Local news is currently unavailable, but should return soon. Thank you for your patience.
'; document.getElementById('LNWerr').style.fontSize = "80%"; document.getElementById('LNWerr').style.fontWeight = "normal"; } } dxLNW.onLoad = onLoad; dxLNW.clearEm = clearEm; dxLNW.hideEms = hideEms })(); if (DBMgr.hasLoaded() == true) { dxLNW.onLoad(); } else { DBMgr.subscribe(dxLNW.onLoad); }