Congressman José E. Serrano Congressman José E. Serrano
Representing the People of the 16th District of New York

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U.S. Congressman José E. Serrano ~ Representing the people of the 16th District of New York

Continuing Resolution, Disaster Supplemental Contains “Vital Funding Priorities” Says Chairman José E. Serrano

Today, Chairman José E. Serrano highlighted the portions of the continuing resolution and disaster supplemental that fall under his subcommittee’s purview and applauded their inclusion. The House passed H.R. 2638, the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance and Continuing Appropriations Act today.

“The continuing resolution and disaster supplemental has many items that were top priorities for my subcommittee,” Chairman Serrano said. “We worked hard to have them included, and were pleased to see them in the final package. Despite the intransigence of the Bush Administration, the government must be funded, and this was the only option left to us. I believe that under the circumstances, we have made sure that government will be able to do what is necessary and important until we have a new Administration in the White House.”

“I am particularly pleased to be able to take care of the Small Business Administration’s needs to be able to respond to the recent natural disasters. We must help those affected get their businesses up and running again and their homes repaired —and the SBA disaster loan program is key to that effort.

“I am also grateful to be able to fund the IRS’s efforts to process and send out the economic stimulus checks that we authorized earlier this year. People are depending on those checks, and we must make sure the I.R.S. can distribute them a.s.a.p.

“We are also on the verge of the transition to digital television—and funding the FCC’s efforts to get the word out is vital to preventing a potentially huge problem next year. Now is the time to educate the public, and so this item could not wait.”

Below is a summary of some of the items included in this legislation that fall under the jurisdiction of Serrano’s House Appropriations Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee.

• $67,900,000 for the IRS to process stimulus payments provided by the Economic Stimulus Act.
• Language authorizing the expenditure of DC local funds as included in the FY 2009 DC Proposed Budget and Financial Plan.
• $20,000,000 more than FY 2008 funding levels for the FCC for costs associated with consumer education in preparation of the conversion to digital television.
• 3.9 percent Federal civilian employee pay raise for 2009.
• Additional lending authority for credit unions to ensure that they will have sufficient liquidity during the current financial market turmoil. Credit unions play a pivotal role in providing financial services to disadvantaged communities.

Presidential transition items:

• An annual rate of $8,000,000 for Presidential transition administrative support within the Executive Office of the President.
• An annual rate of $15,000,000 for costs associated with security for the Presidential inauguration for the District of Columbia.
• An annual rate of $8,520,000 for the General Services Administration for costs associated with the Presidential transition.
• $5,700,000 for the Executive Office of the President for email restoration activities.

The following Financial Services items are included in the disaster supplemental portion:

• $10,000,000 for Small Business Development Centers to provide technical assistance to small businesses affected by recent disasters.
• $3,000,000 for the SBA Inspector General for expenses related to consequences of recent disasters.
• $498,000,000 in disaster loan subsidy and $288,000,000 in disaster loan administrative costs to support the SBA disaster loans program.
• $182,000,000 for new construction of a Federal Courthouse in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


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Congressman José E. Serrano
Congressman José E. Serrano Congressman José E. Serrano