September 24, 2008


U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) this week introduced a resolution commending the U.S. Marshals Service on their 219th anniversary. Senator Martinez recently worked to secure funding for the U.S. Marshals Service to run a criminal sweep operation in Florida.

“For 219 years, the United States Marshals Service has helped to bring some of America’s worst criminals to justice, and our nation is a safer place because of their service,” Martinez said. “On their anniversary, I would like to offer my many thanks for their commitment to upholding the rule of law and their willingness to protect and serve Americans.”

In 2007, Senator Martinez secured $2.8 million for Operation Orange Crush.

“Recently, the state of Florida enlisted the Marshals Service to help capture perpetrators of violent crime,” said Martinez. “During the ten week effort, known as ‘Operation Orange Crush,’ the Marshals were responsible for arresting more than 2,400 violent criminal fugitives. The operation was an overwhelming success, and Floridians are grateful for the men and women of the United States Marshals Service for helping to make it possible.”

This year, Senator Martinez was able to secure $10 million to expand and make permanent the Marshals Service’s presence in Florida. The resources are included in the Senate’s FY 2009 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill. The funding passed the Appropriations Committee and the measure now moves to the Senate floor for consideration.
