September 12, 2008


U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today issued the following statement regarding the pending “Gang of 10” proposal that is expected to be brought up for consideration next week during the Senate’s debate on overhauling U.S. energy policy.

Senator Martinez said:

“I am for more domestic exploration. We need to drill for oil in ANWR and the OCS. We need to start taking advantage of the vast supplies of oil shale in the West. We need to do all of these things in conjunction with conservation and developing alternative energy supplies like nuclear, clean coal, bio fuels, and renewable resources.

“The ‘Gang of 10’ as it has been presented falls far short of meeting our nation’s energy needs and instead threatens to raise the price of fuel at a time when Americans are already paying record high prices. Worse yet, the proposal blocks states like Florida from determining their own fate as exploration is concerned. Florida in particular is harmed by this proposal because it walls off production except for in the most sensitive environmental and military training areas.

“The time for patchwork solutions is past. The time for political posturing is over. The American people are overwhelmed with the prices at the pump and they demand a comprehensive solution. The best alternative on the table right now is S. 3202, the Gas Price Reduction Act. S. 3202 is a balanced approach that will help lower fuel costs in the near term and give America the energy independence it needs.”
