September 25, 2008


System based on Amber Alert designed to locate missing adults and seniors

U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) along with Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI) today introduced an effort to create a nationwide network to aid in locating missing adults and senior citizens. The Silver Alert Act creates a program modeled after the Amber Alert and provides federal coordination and assistance to local and state law enforcement agencies.

“Every year thousands of adults go missing due to illness, diminished mental capacity, or foul play,” said Senator Martinez, a member of the Special Committee on Aging. “This kind of coordinated alert system has had proven success with locating missing children. Expanding it to include adults and seniors will give families and local law enforcement agencies access to the resources and expertise necessary to undertake more comprehensive search efforts for a missing adult.”

“Setting up a Silver Alert system for seniors who go missing due to Alzheimer’s disease or dementia will promote the safety of our nation’s seniors, while bringing peace of mind to many concerned families,” said Senator Herb Kohl (D-WI), Chairman of the Special Committee on Aging. “With half a million new cases of Alzheimer’s every year, the need for a system of this kind will only grow.”

This legislation directs the Department of Justice to establish a national communications network to assist efforts to locate missing senior citizens. It also reauthorizes Kristen’s Act, which helps to maintain a national, interconnected resource center and clearinghouse for missing adults.
