September 11, 2008

September 11th Remembrance

U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today issued a statement in remembrance of the lives lost during the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Senator Martinez said:

“Seven years ago nearly 3,000 Americans perished in the worst terrorist attack on our soil. Today, let us remember the innocent lives lost in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania and continue to pray for healing for their families.

“The stories of their heroism, compassion, and last words spoken to a loved one all serve to inspire and remind us of the pain of that tragic day.

“This anniversary is a somber reminder of the serious threats we face. Generations of Americans have fought for our country’s freedom, and on this day, we can take solace in knowing our nation remains committed to preserving that blessing.

“Since September 11th, the United States has led a global campaign against terrorism. Our nation is safer because of the sacrifices of those serving the cause of freedom, including the men and women of our armed forces, our National Guard, and our intelligence communities.

“Our effort has been enhanced by the cooperation of friendly and allied nations who share our desire to see a world dominated by peace, freedom, and the rule of law. On this day, let us remember those who lost their lives simply because they were American, those who have given their life in defense of our country, and those who continue to defend our nation today. God bless these individuals and their families, and may God bless America.”
