September 24, 2008

Defense and MILCON Appropriations Requests, Part 2

14 April 2008


 The Honorable Robert C. Byrd                              The Honorable Thad Cochran
Chairman                                                                 Ranking Member
Senate Committee on Appropriations                     Senate Committee on Appropriations
S-131, U.S. Capitol                                                 S-146A, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20510                                        Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Daniel Innouye                                The Honorable Ted Stevens

Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member

Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense              Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense

119 Dirksen Senate Office Building                       119 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510                                         Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

I write to ask your consideration of the following project for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2009 Defense Appropriations Bill.  I certify that neither I nor my immediate family has a pecuniary interest in the congressionally directed spending item that I have requested for Fiscal Year 2009, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Recipient:       Dynamic Animation Systems, Inc., Orlando, FL
Project:           Joint Theater Air Ground Simulation System (JTAGSS)
Account:         RDT&E, Air Force
Line:               7

PE Number:  0602202F
Amount:         $3,100,000

This request will fulfill the Air Force’s unfunded requirement for provision of a capability for ASOC and TACP units to train/rehearse command and control battlestaff skills in a DMO environment with TACS/AAGS units. 

Please know that I appreciate you and your staff’s hard work.  If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.



                                                            Mel Martinez

                                                            United States Senator


14 April 2008

The Honorable Robert C. Byrd                              The Honorable Thad Cochran

Chairman                                                                 Ranking Member

Senate Committee on Appropriations                     Senate Committee on Appropriations

S-131, U.S. Capitol                                                 S-146A, U.S. Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20510                                        Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Daniel Innouye                                The Honorable Ted Stevens

Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member

Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense              Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense

119 Dirksen Senate Office Building                       119 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510                                         Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

I write to ask your consideration of the following project for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2009 Defense Appropriations Bill.  I certify that neither I nor my immediate family has a pecuniary interest in the congressionally directed spending item that I have requested for Fiscal Year 2009, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Recipient:       L-3 Crestview Aerospace, Crestview, FL
Project:           Accelerate Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) upgrades for C-130 Aircraft
Account:         Aircraft Procurement, Air Force
Line:               48
PE Number:  0401134F

Amount:         $15,000,000

This funding would aid in fulfilling the Air Force’s unfunded requirement for acceleration of purchase and installation of LAIRCM for the MC-130P Combat Shadow aircraft. 


Please know that I appreciate you and your staff’s hard work.  If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.



                                                            Mel Martinez

                                                            United States Senator


14 April 2008


The Honorable Robert C. Byrd                              The Honorable Thad Cochran
Chairman                                                                Ranking Member
Senate Committee on Appropriations                     Senate Committee on Appropriations
S-131, U.S. Capitol                                                 S-146A, U.S. Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20510                                        Washington, D.C. 20510 

The Honorable Daniel Innouye                                The Honorable Ted Stevens

Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member

Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense              Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense

119 Dirksen Senate Office Building                       119 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510                                         Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

I write to ask your consideration of the following project for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2009 Defense Appropriations Bill.  I certify that neither I nor my immediate family has a pecuniary interest in the congressionally directed spending item that I have requested for Fiscal Year 2009, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Recipient:       Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

Project:           Nanocomposite Materials Research (NOLES)

Account:         RDT&E, Army

Line:               4

PE Number:  0601104A

Amount:         $4,000,000

The request would continue research to create Nanotubes Optimized for Lightweight Exceptional Strength (NOLES) and other lightweight composite materials.  Nanotubes Optimized for Lightweight Exceptional Strength (NOLES) focuses on placing nanotubes into composites to make materials lighter, stronger and multifunctional.

Please know that I appreciate you and your staff’s hard work.  If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.



                                                            Mel Martinez

                                                            United States Senator



14 April 2008

The Honorable Robert C. Byrd                              The Honorable Thad Cochran

Chairman                                                                 Ranking Member

Senate Committee on Appropriations                     Senate Committee on Appropriations

S-131, U.S. Capitol                                                 S-146A, U.S. Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20510                                        Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Daniel Innouye                                The Honorable Ted Stevens

Chairman                                                                  Ranking Member

Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense              Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense

119 Dirksen Senate Office Building                       119 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510                                         Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

I write to ask your consideration of the following project for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2009 Defense Appropriations Bill.  I certify that neither I nor my immediate family has a pecuniary interest in the congressionally directed spending item that I have requested for Fiscal Year 2009, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Recipient:       Florida Atlantic University
Project:           Advanced Underwater Imaging
Account:         RDT&E, Navy
Line:               11

PE Number:  0602435
Amount:         $4,000,000  

Funding will support research for a multi-year Advanced Underwater Imaging program for the continued development of high-definition laser-based optical technologies that significantly enhance the security impact of the Navy’s underwater vehicles. 

Please know that I appreciate you and your staff’s hard work.  If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.



                                                            Mel Martinez

                                                            United States Senator



14 April 2008

The Honorable Robert C. Byrd                                The Honorable Thad Cochran

Chairman                                                                   Ranking Member

Senate Committee on Appropriations                       Senate Committee on Appropriations

S-131, U.S. Capitol                                                   S-146A, U.S. Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20510                                          Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Tim Johnson                                     The Honorable Kay Bailey Hutchison 

Chairman                                                                   Ranking Member

Appropriations Subcommittee on Military               Appropriations Subcommittee on Military

Construction and Veterans’ Affairs                          Construction and Veterans’ Affairs

125 Dirksen Senate Office Building                        125 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510                                          Washington, D.C. 20510

Dear Chairmen and Ranking Members,

I write to ask your consideration of the following project for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2009 Military Construction and Veterans’ Affairs Appropriations Bill.  I certify that neither I nor my immediate family has a pecuniary interest in the congressionally directed spending item that I have requested for Fiscal Year 2009, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 9 of Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Recipient:                   Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida

Project:                       Satellite Operations Support Facility

Account:                     Military Construction, Air Force

Project Number:       DBEH923101A

Amount:                     $8,000,000

To construct a permanent, multi-story, concrete block operations support facility with office space, secure conference area, data storage area, and communications room. This project directly supports the 45th Space Wings’ operational mission and the routine mission of the Air Force Space Command to process and launch satellites. This project is required to support existing and new satellite processing operations.

Please know that I appreciate you and your staff’s hard work.  If you need additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  Thank you for your consideration of this request.



                                                            Mel Martinez

                                                            United States Senator