September 18, 2008


Senator calls “Operation Orange Crush” a success; highlights need for permanent Regional Fugitive Task Force

U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today praised the U.S. Marshals Service for arresting more than 2,400 violent criminal fugitives in Florida over the last several weeks. Dubbed “Operation Orange Crush,” the U.S. Marshals Service led an unprecedented law enforcement effort in Florida designed to capture violent fugitives. The operation was made possible by the coordinated work of the U.S. Marshals Service, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies, and through resources secured by Senator Martinez for the establishment of a Regional Fugitive Task Force.

“This operation has made Florida’s communities safer,” Martinez said “The immense coordination between all levels of law enforcement succeeded in taking many of the worst of the worst criminal offenders off the streets. Decreasing violent crime in Florida is one of my main priorities and I will work to ensure the U.S. Marshals continue to receive funding to expand efforts in the state.”

In 2007, Senator Martinez secured $2.8 million for Operation Orange Crush. This year, Senator Martinez was able to secure $10 million to expand the statewide U.S. Marshals Service's Regional Fugitive Task Force in Florida. The resources are included in the Senate’s FY 2009 Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations bill. The funding passed the Appropriations Committee and the measure now moves to the Senate floor for consideration.

The Regional Fugitive Task Force programs are charged with targeting and apprehending violent criminals, gang members, and child predators. They work in concert with local, state and federal agencies and last year closed more than 22,000 felony warrants across the nation.
