September 30, 2008


U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today announced that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded Palm Beach County a $2.6 million grant for the revitalization of Avenue A commercial corridor in Belle Glade.

“This is great news for Palm Beach County,” Martinez said. “Not only will this grant help to develop new businesses and revitalize existing ones in Belle Glade, it will also bring new jobs to the area. I am also pleased the funding will be used to make the area more environmentally friendly.”

The Avenue A Revitalization Project is funded as part of Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. The county will establish a business loan fund that will assist existing businesses and bring new business development to the Avenue A commercial corridor of Belle Glade. The county estimates that the loan fund will create 200 jobs. In addition, a Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grant will be used in conjunction with the Section 108 loans to provide funding for the removal of asbestos, lead-based paint, underground oil tanks, and other environmental contaminants within the Avenue A commercial corridor.
