September 24, 2008


With House vote Congressional action is completed; measure now goes to President Bush for signature

U.S. Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) today announced that Congressional action is now complete on a resolution designating the U. S. Postal Service facility located at 1717 Orange Avenue in Fort Pierce, to be named in honor of CeeCee Ross Lyles. CeeCee Ross Lyles was a United Airlines flight attendant who died on Flight 93, one of the planes involved in the terror attacks of September 11th. The resolution, sponsored by Senator Martinez along with Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) passed the Senate on August 1; the House passed the measure today. The bill, S.3241, will now be sent to President Bush to be signed into law.

“The naming of this facility is a fitting tribute to CeeCee and the life she led,” said Martinez. “CeeCee was a strong, courageous woman and I hope this dedication will help further her memory within the Fort Pierce community. I'm pleased this passed through Congress and we are able to properly honor CeeCee.”

CeeCee Ross Lyles grew up in Fort Pierce and raised her own family there while spending many hours volunteering within the community. She served with the Fort Pierce Police Department for six years and worked her way up to detective. CeecCee left her job as a detective at the police department to pursue a career as a flight attendant. CeeCee was part of the flight crew of Flight 93 which crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001.
