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Members in Prior Congresses (2005-2006)

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Committee Members in the 109th Congress

SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT (New York), Chairman

Republican Members

  • Ralph M. Hall , Texas
  • Lamar S. Smith, Texas
  • Curt Weldon, Pennsylvania
  • Dana Rohrabacher, California
  • Ken Calvert, California
  • Roscoe G. Bartlett, Maryland
  • Vernon J. Ehlers, Michigan
  • Gil Gutknecht, Minnesota
  • Frank D. Lucas, Oklahoma
  • Judy Biggert , Illinois
  • Wayne T. Gilchrest, Maryland
  • W. Todd Akin, Missouri
  • Timothy V. Johnson, Illinois
  • J. Randy Forbes, Virginia
  • Jo Bonner, Alabama
  • Tom Feeney, Florida
  • Randy Neugebauer, Texas
  • Bob Inglis, South Carolina
  • David G. Reichert, Washington
  • Michael E. Sodrel, Indiana
  • John J.H. "Joe" Schwarz, Michigan
  • Michael T. McCaul, Texas
  • Mario Diaz-Balart, Flordia
BART GORDON (Tennessee), Ranking Democratic Member
  • (January 6, 2005) Mr. Gordon chosen Ranking Member (H. Res. 33)
  • (January 26, 2005) Members appointed (H. Res. 49).
  • (February 3, 2005) Additional Members appointed.  Ms. Hooley reclaimed her seniority following service on the Budget Committee. (H. Res. 62).
  • (February 16, 2005) Ms. Lofgren resigned from the Committee.
  • (June 8, 2005) Mr. Moore appointed to the Committee (H. Res. 307).
  • (February 16, 2006) Mr. Carnahan resigned from the Committee to serve on the Committee on International Relations.
  • (May 4, 2006) Ms. Matsui appointed to the Committee (H. Res. 796).



Bob Inglis, Chairman

  • Mr. Smith
  • Mr. Weldon
  • Ms. Rohrabacher
  • Mr. Gutknecht
  • Mr. Lucas
  • Mr. Akin
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Reichert
  • Mr. Sodrel
  • Mr. McCaul
  • (Vacancy)
  • Mr. Boehlert

Darlene Hooley, Ranking Democratic Member



Ken Calvert , Chairman

  • Mr. Hall
  • Mr. Smith
  • Ms. Rohrabacher
  • Mr. Bartlett
  • Mr. Lucas
  • Mr. Forbes
  • Mr. Bonner
  • Mr. Feeney
  • Mr. McCaul
  • Mr. Diaz-Balart
  • Mr. Boehlert

Mark Udall, Ranking Democratic Member



Vernon J. Ehlers, Chairman

  • Mr. Gutknecht
  • Ms. Biggert
  • Mr. Gilchrest
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Mr. Reichert
  • Mr. Schwarz
  • Mr. Diaz-Balart
  • Mr. Boehlert

David Wu, Ranking Democratic Member



Judy Biggert, Chairman

  • Mr. Hall
  • Mr. Weldon
  • Mr. Bartlett
  • Mr. Ehlers
  • Mr. Akin
  • Mr. Bonner
  • Mr. Inglis
  • Mr. Reichert
  • Mr. Sodrel
  • Mr. Schwarz
  • Mr. Neugebauer
  • Mr. Boehlert

Michael M. Honda, Ranking Democratic Member

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technology and innovation

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Investigations and Oversight

research and science education

space and aeronautics

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