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Rebecca RudmanFriday, September 29, 2006


WASHINGTON. September 29, 2007 – Today Congressman Calvert (R-CA), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, voted for the FY2007 National Defense Authorization Act. The legislation sets the policies, programs and funding levels for the nation’s military. The $532.8 billion bill was approved overwhelmingly in the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 398-23. The annual authorization bill will now go to the President for enactment into law.

"Our military has performed tremendously in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world," state Rep. Calvert. "This bill ensures that the military can continue to provide the best equipment to our troops currently fighting the Global War on Terrorism while also investing in our future military force."

Highlights of the bill include:

Conferees authorized $532.8 billion in budget authority for the Department of Defense and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. This includes $84.2 billion in procurement funding, $73.6 billion for research, development, testing and evaluation, $110.1 billion for military personnel, $155.3 billion for operations and maintenance and $17.1 billion for military construction and family housing.

Specific provisions include:

An additional $70 billion in supplemental funding to support the war on terror’s operational costs, personnel expenses, procurement of new equipment and the necessary immediate funding to reset the force.

Additional funding for force protection needs in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, including up-armored Humvees, Humvee IED protection kits and gunner protection kits, improvised explosive device (IED) jammers and state-of-the-art body armor.

Additional increases of 30,000 Army and 5,000 Marine Corps active duty personnel to sustain our required missions.

A 2.2% pay raise for all members of the armed forces.

Increases end strength for the Army National Guard by 17,100 over the original budget request. The legislation provides an additional $499 million for National Guard personnel, operations and maintenance and the defense health program, as well as $318 million for procurement to support the recommended National Guard end strength of 350,000.

Blocks the Department of Defense’s proposed TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Standard fee increases and prohibits increases in beneficiary cost shares for prescriptions obtained through the TRICARE retail pharmacy network.

Authorizes grants and loan guarantees to U.S. shipyards to improve their efficiency, cost effectiveness and international competitiveness.

Fully funds the immediate Army and Marine Corps shortfalls for readiness and equipment reset.
