Congressman Ken Calvert
California's 44th District
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Home > Legislation & Issues > Generic Drug Equity Caucus
Congressional Generic Drug Equity Caucus

Alongside Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV), I chair the Congressional Generic Drug Equity Caucus in the House of Representatives.  The Caucus is committed to ensuring consumers have better access to generic drugs, which are sharply less expensive than brand-name drugs.

The Caucus Mission Statement is:
  • To protect the right of consumers to obtain more affordable generic pharmaceuticals as soon as the original patents for brand pharmaceutical products expire
  • To increase pharmaceutical competition by removing impediments in the marketplace that block consumer access to generic drugs
  • To promote the use of generics as the most effective means to reduce rising pharmaceutical and health care costs
The purpose of the Caucus is to serve as a clearing house of information on consumer issues relating to generic drugs and the generic drug industry.  Additionally, the Caucus holds forums in an effort to make Congress aware of the needs and concerns of generic drug consumers and the generic drug industry.

The Caucus includes over thirty Members and is bipartisan.