Congressman Ken Calvert
California's 44th District
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Home > Legislation & Issues > Committee Assignments


Science Committee
The Science Committee has jurisdiction over many issues of importance to the 44th District, and California as a whole.  The research and development of new technologies involves many of our local universities and industries.  I serve on the Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee, which focuses on space and aviation research, including oversight of NASA, the International Space Station and civilian aviation research at the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of Commerce.  In light of the Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy, I believe it is important to support manned missions into space and the President’s vision for Space Exploration.  I believe that the innovation of the private sector, as evidenced by the success of the SpaceShipOne team is crucial in this endeavor.  I will work to ensure California maintains its position as the world's leader in space research, education, technology, manufacturing, services, and transportation.

Armed Services Committee

I am again serving on the Armed Services Committee during the 108th Congress.  Riverside County has always had a strong military tradition with March Air Force Base, now a reserve base, and the Naval Warfare Assessment Station in Norco.  I am assigned to the two new subcommittees on Readiness and Projection Forces.  The Subcommittee on Readiness will preside over issues relating to military readiness, training, logistics and maintenance.  The subcommittee will also be responsible for all military construction, installations and family housing issues, and the base closure process.  The Subcommittee on Projection Forces will oversee Navy and Marine Corps programs, deep strike bombers and related systems, as well as strategic lift programs, including the United States Air Force.

Resources Committee
The Resources Committee has jurisdiction over national forests and park land issues, the ESA, offshore energy and others which is close to the hearts of all southern Californians. My priority has been to achieve an appropriate balance between public access and conservation of our country's natural environment. As Chairman of the Water and Power Subcommittee I have the opportunity to weigh in on the national debate over federal water rights in the west, including federal hydro power. My priority has been the recent passage of the California Federal Bay-Delta Program Reauthorization bill which will assure the development of a long-term comprehensive plan to enhance the quality and reliability of our water supply in the west while honoring the water and private property rights of local residents and all Californians.

These assignments are extremely beneficial for the 44th district of California, the region, and the country.  I look forward to working on issues which will improve military quality of life, recruitment and retention, as well as ensuring our local military installations remain robust contributors to both our national defense and local economy.